
Friday, October 20, 2017

Growing up

  That's me before my hair got gray......and a few pounds lighter, as well.
And that's my first grandchild, Nev.

In scrubs here, probably just home from work, looks like he was taking a break from riding his bike.

Now here he is, on his 20th birthday. All 6' 5" of him.
What I want to know is:  where the **** did that 20 years go????

So that was then, a whole lifetime of children, and grand children, and work, and life.
Sometimes, it seems like a dream.  Because after all, today is what we have.
But oh, the memories are sweet to dwell on, aren't they?

Now, I find my solace at the loom, I confess.

It really does sustain me some days.

I just sent a wrap to the Czech Republic.......these are photos sent to me by the mama I wove it for.

The wrap turned out well, but the pictures are amazing.

On the other end of the spectrum, I still have a 4 year old grand girl, and a 7 month old it appears I am not done yet.

Whenever she comes, she wants to hold a chicken.
And she loves it each and every time.

My first foray with peppermint thread..........the warp is navy blue cotton, and the weft is hand dyed peppermint.
It is the most luscious fiber, ever.
Super, super, soft.

And yes, that's me, caught by the Google cam car.

Let me leave you with a comment, from a four year old, to her 7 month old brother:

"I will never leave you in the forest."

I guess that's all we can hope for, isn't it?


  1. Oh, know that your loved one would never leave you in a forest. What an amazing way to say I love you... If you don't mind, I would like to use this with my son.

    Your grandson is very handsome. And TALL! I am very impressed. I'm 5'2" and I can't touch the ceiling. LOL

    My son is thirty. I can still remember his small, soft hand in mine. So trusting. I was his entire world. Yes, a sweet memory.

    Have an amazing weekend!

  2. Handsome grandson there! I'm sure you know that though.
    And little Dale, not so little anymore, so much sweetness and the promise she would never leave her brother in the forest. He's a lucky little boy to have a sister like that. (I think my girls all plotted at one time or another to leave a sister in the forest!
    I was drooling over the weavings you shared. Beautiful colors, I wish there was feel-o-vision, I'd like to feel them!

  3. I know that when they were young, my daughter, now 41, would have happily left her younger brother in the forest. She thought he was nothing but a pain in her side. They get along very well now, and she appreciates his talents, although they are so different from her own.

    I will always love that weave structure, something I cannot achieve with my mere 8 shafts.

  4. I am still going: four years old!?! how can she be 4 already and so wise ... and adorable ...

    happy birthday to your handsome grandson .. may he have many many many more birthdays w/you to share them!!!!

  5. Hilary,
    Thank you for the wonderful post today. How many miles we have walked and what wonderful memories we pack along with us. The photos from the Czech Republic are just wonderful! How she loves the peace you made for her to put it in such a beautiful setting.

  6. Oh that baby wrap is just gorgeous!

    as is that precious young girl who will never leave her baby brother in a forest.


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