
Friday, September 29, 2017

Finally Fall

Fall is one of my favorite times of year......but this year it seems to have come late.  Just two days ago, we were sweltering in the heat.
Then yesterday  it all changed.

I love to pick hydrangeas, put them in vases with no water, and let them dry on their own.
Some people hang them up to dry, but this always works for me.

Dale and I took a walk through the pumpkin patch, where L was driving tractor, helping her brother gather up all the pumpkins.

I wish I looked that good in pink rubber boots.

I had an idea to overdye something that I had already woven.   Since I had dyed the weft before I wove it, you could say this is "double dyed".

Cotton and Bamboo.

My friend for Georgia was up for her yearly visit.
As usual, it went by too fast.
We always have so much fun together.

We decided to tackle a project that I had been thinking of.  The coat area inside my back door has always been atrocious.

We took down that awful old shelf, we found the old front door of the house up in the barn, we hauled it down, washed it, pulled out nails and staples, and made it into a new coat rack.
The hooks are black, and it is much sturdier than what was there.

 Then we did a little organizing...... and I think it is a vast improvement.

She bought me the fluted pans to make taco shells with, so we tested them out with a shrimp taco salad.

It's been a busy week, not much weaving or sewing got done, but we had a great time.
I thoroughly enjoyed having my old friend here, but now I'm exhausted.

So I will leave you with this picture of a, not just any cat.........Sydney Susan, who really doesn't get the purpose of the "ball game/scratching pad".
That's ok, Syd.


  1. I think it's Syd thinking that YOU are the one who doesn't get the ball game/scratching pad purpose.
    A good visit with a great old friend is just the best therapy! Next Spring I will be doing some visiting of old friends myself. I can't wait, it will be a blast!
    Dale is getting so big! It seems like only yesterday you were introducing her to us for the first time. Time flies, doesn't it?


  2. What a great re-do! Love it. And wow, that weird weather - we had 90 degree miserable humidity two days ago - and a lovely fall 60's today. We're heading to Vermont next weekend, so I'll be glad for the cooler temps, wondering if we'll still be early for foliage.

  3. Lovely to see Miss Sidney using her game to sit comfortably - seems almost as good to sit in as her box. All the redo's in the studio look fab!

  4. true fall temps never happen til after Yom Kippur .... which this year began at sundown on Friday ...

  5. We're having the same problem with the weather here. Up to the 90's during the day, down to the 30's at night. Really? I am forced to carry a sweater in my car just in case. LOL

    It takes a true fashionista to pull off pink boots. LOL I am more of a "dark green pair covered with cow poo" kinda of girl. LOL

    I love your new coat rack. It looks like it was meant for that corner. We have an entire room in our house that my hubby uses as his collection area. Once a month I move all of his stuff out and shut the door. I keep hoping that he forgets that the room is there. LOL

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Your new coat rack is wonderful.


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  8. Seriously - I want to hang out with you, learn your dyeing methods, and eat with you! :-)

    Love the over dye.
    Love the taco
    LOVE the door repurpose! Great job.



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