
Sunday, November 27, 2016

A bit more

At the top of the stairs, I hung a spinning wheel, that I found in the barn, when I bought the house.

The front bedroom is on the road side of the house, and the wallpaper is the closest one I could find to replicate the paper that was falling off.

No beds in here, this is the "rug room", and home to my all time fave rug loom, the Union Custom.

It's a bit of a mess.  We do a lot of work in here.  Well, mostly Lois does.

I wove 7 rugs here this past week, one a day.

The "blue" room is the guest room.

This dressing table was here in the house when I came.

The door over the bed used to be the back door out of the kitchen to the old back porch.
I loved the shabby chic look of it.  The other side is just white.

Ever since Miss Puss was diagnosed with diabetes, she has mellowed.  You never would have seen her on the couch with Roy.  But now, it's not a big deal apparently.

I try not to think about how much her insulin and syringes cost me, but honestly, when I see her like this next to me every evening, so relaxed and happy, I know that it's money well spent.
My sweet girl.

I would have shown you the other bedrooms, but to be honest, they could use some straightening up.


  1. Enjoyed the tour, Hilary. And I'm glad Miss Puss is doing well on her insulin. It's a struggle for everyone concerned but they are worth it, aren't they. :)

  2. It all looks so cozy and comfortable. Thanks for sharing it with us. I know what you mean about the expense of caring for your beloved pet. Seeing them happy and content makes it all worthwhile. Have a good week.


  3. it all looks so warm and cozy. And she is indeed a beautiful cat. Insulin shots and all.

  4. do you give her PZI insulin? thats what our Gus was on .. you can get it at a decent discount from IDEXX or you can get it from Walmart Specialty Pharmacy (877-453-4566) - ask your vet for a prescription .. its half the price of what you're paying the vet ..

  5. What a cozy home you have. I will come back to visit again.

  6. Very inviting. I love how you use quilts. I think that a quilt is sad when it isn't keeping someone warm. LOL That old door is a wonderful idea, very sweet. And don't worry, half my house isn't in any shape for company. Well, you could go in, but I'd suggest you keep your phone with you in case you need the GPS. LOL

  7. Hi Hilary, Love how the spinning wheel looks there. Wheels represent movement, forward productivity, so does walking up stairs, so a great motivator to walk upstairs to weave in that glorious light. Enjoy this Holiday season, would love to drop by. Are you doing Christmas in the Country?


I love that you have taken time out to stop by and say hello. Come back again!
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