
Sunday, April 19, 2015

Crying UNCLE.

With congestion and coughing and generally feeling miserable for going on SIX weeks, I finally said "enough", and went to Acute Care this morning.
Now armed with Levaquin, Prednisone, and Claritin, I am hoping to feel way better very soon.

I have way too much to do to be sick.

In an effort to downsize my weaving business, and make the "studio" a more welcoming place for us to live, I bit the bullet and said goodbye to more looms.  I already sold the Cranbrook and the Macomber last fall.
A week ago, I sold my Union 36 to a good friend.  Lois and I even put a 50 yard warp on it,  delivered it to her an hour away, put it together for her, threaded and sleyed it, so it is ready for her to weave on.
Then a few days later,  I sent my two Reed Ideal production looms to Ohio, with a passionate and younger version of myself.
I didn't feel sad, oddly. 
It's certainly a big change for me, and a huge change for Crazy as a Loom.

This is now my only rug loom, my all time fave, the Union Custom.

Lois and I are jointly weaving an order on it.

What's odd, and actually quite cool, is that when I took two rugs off, one she wove, and one I wove, I couldn't tell the difference.

When we finish the order, we'll be moving the Union Custom in where one of the Reed Ideal's was.


For those of you who have followed this blog, you know that my living room at the studio was a burnt orange, actually the color was "Florentine Clay".
But it's been on the walls since I bought the house, so I decided that it was time for a change, and besides it didn't go with my living room furniture.

This is "familiar beige".  My mother would have loved it.  She was the Queen of Beige.

 I can't wait to get it organized, and comfortable.

One of my dilemmas is framed photos.  I have about 30 of them.
I hate marking up the walls, and I really think I want a "not so cluttered" look.
I am wondering if I could get them all scanned and put on a flash drive.
Then I could put it in my digital screen, and have a slide show.

The other thing I am wondering about, is what to do with the windows.  I am not a fan of curtains.
But then the house is on a main highway.  It would be nice to have a little privacy when the lights are on.
I have balloon shades now, but I  want to see what else is available.

All in all, this is going to be a very busy week.  I hope to soon be able to kick back and take some time for myself.
That's my goal.


  1. the big windows in the living-room. They really are lovely. It's funny how our taste in 'colour' changes from time to time. I had terracotta for years at the old house and now I love lighter & brighter colours. The mouse-house is mostly cream and butter yellow. I do hope you are on your way to feeling better, Hilary. Sending a hug, Deb

  2. Well as too curtains I would steer you to simple linen. It never goes out of style, white or natural will always go with everything and it washes and wears beautifully. If that is an idea you want to pursue let me know and I'll forward a website with great prices and many many linen color options. Now, what looms do you still have left, the AVL, a few small Schachts? I am loving my Macomber BTW and finally sold my AVL. Too big and too hard on my right side.
    I do so hope the meds help you. How friggin awful.

  3. I hope the meds will soon give you some relief.

    It was a process to accumulate your stuff (looms, etc.) and it will be a process to pare down to only what you truly love.

    I have plain cafe curtains to cover the lower sash of the windows of our master bedroom and bath. At first, I hated the idea. Once I got used to them, I realized that it provided privacy and didn't block hardly any of the light that I love so much. I tend to push them open during the day, and close them at night.

  4. I am a big fan of plantation shutters. White would be pretty.
    Opened fully they give full light.
    Clean look.

  5. Hmmm.. have you seen all the lawsuits and warnings (see Ms. A. for more information).... about Levaquin?

    And I am loving your plans for the farm house and for moving to it at some point. Beige is a beautiful color, so much you can do around it, and with all the color in your weaving, it's a perfect combination.

  6. OH, I like what Mrs. B says! I recommend half window plantation shutters (bottom half). I have some here, love the effect.

  7. not a huge fan of beige but thats a nice beige AND I 'get' the clean wall thing too .. after we painted i didn't want to hang anything but i got over it ... we live on the ground floor, my living room windows are huge and its a busy street that leads to the park .. i hate shades i hate curtains so we hung shutters inside!!!!!!! Glad you saw the doc and got meds, i hope they help!

  8. I'm so glad you finally got some meds, and am hoping they help you feel better!

    Windows - I'm not a fan of heavy curtains, but I have lace on most of my windows, at least, on the ones in our living area. They are light, airy, let the light in, and I can see out, but they blur what's going on to outsiders. Not everyone is a fan of lace, I know, but they work for me.
    It's great that you're fine with downsizing, and with the looms you have left. :D
    Take care, feel better, hug that cute pup for me!

  9. When do you plan on moving into the new house?

  10. IMO put up your framed photos, I have a digital frame and while they are nice they can't replace a hung picture.

  11. I'm with Deb on the digital photo thing. Command makes some nice products for pictures that don't leave any marks on the wall.

    I suggest you consider weaving your curtains. Linen, cotton, plain, fancy, tabby, lace, it doesn't matter. And you don't have to love the first set you make - you can always weave more!

  12. I wouldn't have called that paint beige. It's lovely and restful and not dull. More like wheat. I would put up a picture rail and switch the framed pictures out every so often. No nail holes! And I'm a big fan of wood blinds. Come in all colors of wood, with a fabric tape (you can choose the fabric to complement the walls or whatever you wish).

  13. Hi Hilary, I hope you are on the mend...finally. Winter was very long, again! Just found your blog, read it all. I hear what you mean about only doing what you love and letting the rest go. Time to de-clutter, it's so liberating as well. Enjoy your company very much, whether on the blog or in person. Thanks for the sock monkeys.

  14. I swear we are almost living parallel lives. I decided to go beige at my new place and I don't know what to do with my photos or curtains. I keep reminding myself to simplify.

    When you get a chance can you tell me what kind of cotton you use for your baby blankets? Yours always look so soft. I tried using some 8/2 cotton from Valley Yarns and feels a lot like steel wool. :( No hurry, the baby's not even born yet. Thanks.

  15. If it's not one thing, it's another.... Hope you are well and truly on the mend now. A friend from
    Middletown NY had this too and was out for 6 weeks. AWFUL...
    Just giving you a link to Dr Charlie Teo and a story of a young lad. Take care xx


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