
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Saturday rocks.

Some of you have said you were missing the kitties.
Sydney wanted to do a photo shoot today.

As usual, she requests that you not hate her because she is beautiful.

I finished up what might be my favorite container rug so far.

And then finished a porch rug...........

 A porch rug is what you make when you just want to finish up the container.  You just grab one fabric after another, taking the chance that when they are all put together, it will work.

Then I started weaving a simple red and white rug.

I think the pattern of the fabric makes it look like chicken tracks.

Speaking of which..........

DH bought me a sign.
And soon, the coop will have power, and no electric cord hanging out the hole in the wall.


This door, given to me by my son in law, is perfect......the chicks get morning sun to lay in, and they can look out the window.
 I think they like their digs.
But they need a name for their house.
Chicks rule?


  1. How about The Loominous Chick House. haha! "Hi Sydney. Great to see you again."

  2. The Egg Plant

    I'm kinda loving that you're clicking with your chicks, you know.

  3. Sydney is a dead ringer for my cat, Macki. They really can't help being beautiful and adorable.

  4. It is hard not to be jealous of Sydney. (sigh) I will just have to focus on her fabulous personality.

  5. How about the Loomy Bin?

    Sydney, you are indeed beautiful. Good to see you again!

  6. You could name it after that famous brothel down here in Texas called "The Chicken Ranch". Or just something stupid, like "chickaree chick house".

  7. Makes me wish i had a porch

    aside from The Hen's House, i got nuttin'

  8. The Chicken Cooper

    Poultry in Motion

    Fowl Play House

    The Chic Chick

  9. And that Sydney.. what a face.

  10. Why is it called a container rug? I am a new weaver and adore your blog.


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