
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Beep, beep.

 Tonight I was hemming the 25 towels and the 7 table runners that just came off the AVL, when I got a text message from a dear friend.
 This is what it said:
"Beep Beep Beep....This is an alert alarm.....Your blog needs updating, your minions are crying out for an eyeful"........

And she's right......I have been a slacker, for sure.

It's not the headache......that's just the usual, and I can handle it.

I am just not all that excited about this whole Christmas season.  I'm missing my mother.  I'm sadder than I've been in a long time.  I feel a little lost.  And that's the truth. 
And on top of it, Next has been missing for several days.  Not good.  Not good at all.

The good news is that I spent some quality time with my youngest daughter, and my youngest grand.

A picture is worth 1000 words, right?

God, how I love my family.

And Christmas means I will get to see them all.

Help, Mimi, help!!!!
Vicious Roy!

New at the studio.  Adirondack Bark Rugs.

I love the earthy colors, and they are super durable.  Just put them on my web site.

There are also 40 new monkeys on there for Christmas, in some fabulous new colors.

And that's it for flagrant marketing.

Right now there is a pint of Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream with MY NAME on it.

I'm sad, I'm not dead. :)


  1. My dear Hilary,
    I have been feeling the same way. I think you can only imagine the depths of despair right now. We have both lost so much this year.

    But today I turned a corner. My hope is that you do, too.

    I love seeing these photos of your loved ones. Makes my soul happy.


  2. Christmas is a hard time for a lot of people. I miss my family. Whats left of them are in different states.
    One look at those precious grandkids will put a smile in your heart.
    I hope Next comes home soon.

  3. sad is understandable. don't beat yourself up. enjoy those you have.

  4. It's been a really tough year for you, my friend. So, at this season, sad is acceptable. So is ice cream. Maybe even eggnog. ;)

    I love that baby's face. She is such an incredible joy. And Roy.. so sweet. Your grands are all beautiful, H. Enjoy them. Indulge yourself. You're entitled. :)

  5. Hilary
    My mom passed December 2, 2009, I've never been so sad and lost as I was that year. Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. It's been four years now and I am looking forward to Christmas once again. It will be bitter sweet because I still miss her and we've just moved across country from the rest of my family but I know that my mom would want me to celebrate because this was her favorite season as we'll. We will always miss our mothers but must remember they are in a better place and are no longer trapped in failing bodies or in pain.

  6. HIlary, with the last 2 years you have had it is certainly understandable that you are sad. Try to remember that your family and friends love and support you.

    Oh dear, Next is missing - he is a smart boy and will turn up when he is good and ready.

    Lovely picture of Roy Boy and Grand, he is such a monster isn't he ;-)

    The new bark rugs have to be some of the best rugs you have ever woven, they are subtle yet have sparks of color in them. Wonderful!

  7. i sure hope Next returns home soon ... and if i was there i'd distract you with that cute baby girl and steal your ice cream!

  8. My dear Hilary,
    I know we have corrisponded before about mixed feelilng one has when their mother dies and the first Christmas is another one of those strange times. My mom died in June of 2010. The first Christmas was hard as her birthday is the day after Christmas. We have kept the traditions that we had when she was with us and and speak of her all the time. The day after Christmas we go to look at Christmas lights just as we did after dinner for her birthday. I still miss her but she is as much a part of Christmas now as she was when she was here physically with us. (I usually even shed a tear or two). We all know she is still with us. I will pray for joy and peace for you and yours this Christmas.
    Love & Hugs

  9. The season does this to us. I still miss my mom at Christmas the most and it's been 16 years. My closest friend, Christine passed away three years ago and Christmas has never quite been the same since she died. That's just the way it is, I guess. We both have so much to be thankful for and your family surrounding you at Christmas will make it a wonderful day. Your new little grand-daughter is so sweet. And look at Roy...what a star. I'm sorry to hear about Next missing. I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers and hope he will show up very soon. Hugs, Deb

  10. It's so difficult and sad to lose a family member. You are so lucky to have that little one to bring smiles to your face.. Xox

  11. Adorable baby! So you took a week off from the blog. Yes, we miss you but sometimes you need a break.

  12. I had a cat go missing for a MONTh once and he did evenutally come home. So, there's that.

    Let me go grab a spoon for some of that ice cream.

  13. hang in the hilary..... I have lost so many this year..... here is to moments of happiness this christmas for you and yours!

  14. Wishing you a warm holiday with loved ones, Hilary. We have had a difficult year...and losing Moms is so hard. Hug that little baby!

  15. I just wondered if you have heard of the new book Grain Brain. It is by a leading neurologist. He has cured lots of people of headaches by his nutritional approach. Even people that have headaches resulting from trauma like you. I just thought I would mention it to you. His name is Dr. Perlmutter. If it could help relive some or your issues I will have been glad to pass the info along to you. Joan Wickman

  16. My goodness, that is a darling baby! I am glad you get such joy from your family - have a wonderful Christmas!


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