
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Little Red Wagon

I love my family.  I love  my friends.
They make me happy.

 My blogger friends, yep, make me happy, too.

I was told a few times, that my aching head was talking, that I should not make any wild decisions  while I was in the midst of the headache from hell.

Of course, I didn't listen.
I had a headache.

Then, last week, Theresa of  Runamuck Weaving put it this way.  I guess I was 'ready' to hear it.

"It's like your own little red wagon. You can work part time, make that fewer days per week or do it seasonally. Why not allow summers for travel and fall for retreats and hunker down and weave in winter, part or full time. To every thing a season and all that and you're the bus driver."

Today L and I played hookey, and did some unplanned touring, which in my opinion is the best kind.
I feel a sense of freedom I haven't felt in a long time.
I am not caretaking my mother any more.
I am hopeful that my head is going to heal.
 I am done with surgery.  Please.

 I am excited about all the things to do, places to go, sights to see.
I feel like a kid.

 And yes, there is snow in the Adirondacks.
Have mercy.

Life is good.
The Adirondacks rock.
The future is like a blank chalkboard.

I want to draw all over it.

 In color. Vibrant color.

I am so grateful  for the strength I have been given, that got me through these last two years.

Grateful for the family that picks on me, loves me, stands by me, no matter what.

Ever thankful for the friends who weave with me, walk with me, ride back roads with me.
Have my back.

Something is happening in my head.  I dream incredible dreams night after night, melding the past and the present.
I feel something shifting, and I think it's good.

Places like this make me wish winter weren't coming so soon.

But in the words of Albert Camus:

"In the midst of winter, I found there was, in me, an invincible summer."


  1. what a beautiful post. it looked like a perfect day. and more to come.

  2. Enjoy each day and take time to just see what's out there. I'm so glad that you are feeling better.

  3. That's absolutely lovely to read - a good leson for anyone. Thanks for sharing your journey and your lessons and I'm glad to hear some of the discouragement lifting. It's your beautiful life that you're living in the now. You go grrl!

  4. This is a beautiful post filled with lovely photos and so much of your strong spirit.

  5. My mother has that quote on her refrigerator.. I have always loved it.

    You go girl!

  6. Your uplifting post and beautiful pictures made my morning! Having my coffee before heading off to work and happened to check my blog feed and there you were! I think you live in one of the most beautiful places on earth! My extended family is from the Albany area and I spent summers on Lake George. I love PA but my heart is in the Adirondacks. Enjoy this new phase of you life my friend and thank you for continuing to take us on the ride with you.Have a beautiful day!

  7. I love your field trip and know you must feel renewed with your outlook for dealing with life. Continued good health, friend, XOXO

  8. That driving cap looks amazing on you! Thank YOU for the lovely day trip. That is an awesome yost BTW.

  9. We need the Winters to appreciate the Summers. We are fortunate to have ALL the 4 seasons (New England also has 'Mud Season', of course). Having things change is welcoming to me. I used to dread it, but now, I am beginning to welcome the adventure, good or bad...I know that if there is a bad thing going on, that change will happen and hopefully, it will be good. Your friend is right...we are our own busdrivers. Years ago, I had to watch a training film for a was called "Pack Your Own Chute". You can't let anyone do it for have to run your own life and be responsible for what YOU do. And if the chute fails, you can't blame anyone else. BUT...if it works, WOW, WHAT A VIEW!!! ANd YOU can take credit for that!

  10. on my road trip in the midwest earlier this month the best times we had were when we got 'lost' ...

    keep on drivin'!

  11. This Runamuck Theresa is a wise, wise woman. How lovely that you shared her wisdom with us. It should be shouted from the rooftops, her wisdom! We all need to heed. I shall calligraphy it and put it on my fridge.

    Your photos are spectacular. I love your neck of the woods. Love when you share your fave places with us.

    You are a wonderful example for all of us, Hilary. Thank you for all that you share!

  12. Oh I definitely believe there is an "invincible summer" in you!

    Clarity of beauty in this post and sharing!



  13. Awesome! Let that unbelievably beautiful place you live in soak into your bones. It is the cure all for everything.

  14. You are definitely in a better place!! Here's to celebrating every day we are alive and feeling good!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs.

  15. Yes! May you be blessed with invincible summer!! :)

  16. Such a JOYFUL post, Hilary, so optimistic and s-t-r-o-n-g.
    Family is one thing, but these words, "Ever thankful for the friends who weave with me, walk with me, ride back roads with me. Have my back," these are ones that I'm digging deep about ... beautiful words.

    You are RICH with life!

  17. Having come through difficult times, you are sensing change and it is fun to see how much you enjoy life. The photos show you had a fun day.


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