
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Surprises all around.

Oh, yikes.  You all make me feel so TALENTED, going on about my chenille baby blanket.
You are all too kind.
Here's the deal. 

 I made it in two my spare time.  It was really not a big job at all.

It's an easy, easy project.  I bought my chenille squares a few years back, but you can find them on Ebay, and on Etsy.  They are usually sold in batches, of 20 to 36.  My squares were only 4" squares, but they come in 6" squares.  I used 121 of the 4" squares.  I simply strip sewed them together........yup, that easy.
Then I had some natural, cotton batting, and I bought some dainty cotton fabric for the backing, put the three together, and used some 8/2 cotton to tie the three together in random places.

So cheap, it's not, but gorgeous, and pretty darn easy, it's both of those.
I may buy some more and make another one........maybe I'll make a QUEEN size one.
Now there's a thought.

 Got the sectional beam on the AVL, wound and ready.

It was half threaded when I left the studio today.  I can't wait to get it up and running.  I am doing 16 harness twill dish towels.   Someone asked me: "Aren't you sick of dish towels, yet?"
The answer is no.

I have mentioned before how I have made so many dear friends through this blog.
It's a gift that keeps on making me happy.
The other day, a package came.
It had a return address, but didn't say from WHO at that return address.
I opened it to find a beautiful and familiar photograph, put on canvas.
 I knew right away it was of Sand Beach in Acadia, one of my favorite places.

So I googled the address, and found it was a business that puts photos on canvas.  Hmm.  Then the light bulb went off.
Who else loves Maine as much as I do?

Why Kate, over at Chronicles of a Country Girl that's who.

So I toddled on over to her blog, and typed in Easy Canvas Prints in the little search window up on the left.  And just as I suspected, there was an old post of hers recommending them.
Who knew?
I did, that's who.
I put the picture in the back bedroom, the biggest one, in the studio, my favorite bedroom.  I weave in there sometimes, on my Macomber.  And now I can look up and see Sand Beach, and wish I was there.
Thanks, Kate.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE it.

In case you're all wondering what L is up to these days, she's weaving on the Cranbrook.

 She is continuing what I started, weaving beautiful rugs out of all that upsholstery fabric we cut up and sewed together.

Sydney says:

Could I get a little attention around here?


  1. Kate is just a honey of a person.

    I think the colors int that rug are perfect. But I do love warm colors in home decor.

  2. I loved your chenille blanket and how sweet is that Kate. Oh Sydney... you know we all love you. Hugs

  3. Thanks so much for the info on the chenille blanket. What fun it will be to begin collecting the squares!


  4. Yes, I'm sure the blanket is easy except I Can't Sew! That's one of the things my mother did not pass along to me, so I shall just admire yours.

    Hi to Sydney!

  5. Love, love, LOVE knowing about the squares. Your blanket is so inspiring. I checked out Etsy, what a grand selection!

    Sydney, you are just the cutest!!! =^..^=

  6. I think that this rug is my all-time favorite of the multitudes of beautiful rugs I have seen on your blog. I'm anxious to see those towels. That AVL is a beautiful piece of equipment. I have shaft [and space] envy. (Not really - I'm so grateful for my 4-shaft Artisat and my little studio space.) I was also very impressed by your quilt. I'm sure it will be a cherished piece for that little one. (by Mom and baby alike).

  7. I was just starting to have Syd withdrawls...thank goodness she reminded you of who is boss around there. L has come into her own, the rugs are outstanding~

  8. I am so glad you like the canvas print. I love your chenille baby quilt.

  9. OMG that baby blanket!!!... I absolutely love it, I think most of all, even more than my beloved jeans rug!

    Kate is a special person, what a lovely thoughtful gift. I have some of her photography here, also a gift.

  10. she is one special person, our Kate .... of course you're pretty special yourself


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