
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Looking up

Is it just me, or do all bloggers get somewhat flustered, when a commenter asks a question, but doesn't leave you any way to answer???

Anyhow.....the rug is a sock rug made from Solmate Socks, and it is 7' wide, and it is being woven by TWO of us, on a Toika countermarche loom.  It will be 10 ft long, plus a little.  It is ONE of TWO.

One of my commenters sent me this, and it has been on my mind all day long. Wow.

Darkness deserves gratitude. It is the alleluia point at which we learn to understand that all growth does not take place in the sunlight.
Joan Chittister
Uncommone Gratitude  

It is perfect for me TODAY.  Right now, at this point in my life.  Maybe my alleluia point will take place in the Operating Room.  Or waking up with all limbs moving on command.  Or finally finding myself drugged up, but safely on my way home up the Interstate.
Maybe it will be a gradual alleluia, with gratitude just piling up along the way.

Today, L and I did the first half of the second rug.  Tomorrow we will finish it, and the TWO 7'x10' sock rugs will be on their way via UPS.

Good thing we had help.

 And it will be a great relief to me, that we managed to get them done, in spite of present circumstances.

Then I can get back to my towels.  :)
My not so secret little addiction.

This afternoon, I played with this.......which I made for Ava from a pair of old jeans.  I have a feeling that both my grandgirls are going to want more like this.
I have a few ideas.

Can ya' believe it??




  1. Jean skirt, oh yeah I remember those...makes me want one again. Sydney is a great weaving cat, love her choice of weft.

    Your positive attitude will help you gain your goal of being headache free. Warm hugs for both you and L.

  2. You are such a 'get up, dust yourself off and get on your way' kinda gal. I so admire that in you. I've had a few trials over the summer and I find myself thinking of you and your situation and how strong you can be. You really have been an inspiration for many of us, I'm sure. I hope things change soon for you. I can't imagine all that you'll get into without HH along. have the happiest looking cats in blogland. They do seem to love their life at CAAL. Deb

  3. Funny, I read that quote and said WOW... how very real is that.

    I am loving that jeans skirt! Is there no end to your creativity?

  4. Haha. That MUST have been me? Sorry! :)

  5. Love the jean skirt haven't seen one of those in years . Sydney you look darling in your weaving lol ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good week!

  6. I think your life is one big alleluja moment. You're a fighter and I so admire your gumption, XOXO

  7. I wore a jean skirt this afternoon but not as cute as that one! Love that quote and oh how tru it is!!! Xox

  8. Can you show us how you made the jeans skirt? I've been threatening to make one for myself, but I'm not sure how---yours is very cute.

  9. liebe hilary..ich schicke dir ganz liebe Garten, Weberinnen und spinnerinnen -Grüße aus dem Norden Deutschlands...

    du bist so stark und voller Kraft...wunderbar dein Teppich!!!
    liebe grüße wiebke

  10. Yes, I believe it! Your head may hurt like the devil but your brain won't be taken down! Awesome!

  11. I just read that quote recently and it touched me. I hope your gratitude piles up--big and little. ;)

    Love your helper. I remember jean skirts...when they were mini-skirts in the 60s and early 70s--LOL!

    Have a wonderful weekend. :)


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