
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Popping in

It never fails to amaze me how life whizzes past.  One day folds into the next and the next, and sometimes I wish I could grab hold of it and slow. it. down.
There are so many aspects of my life that pull me one way, then the other.

As much as I've dreamed of going to Maine for a couple of weeks this summer, it's just not going to happen.  My mother has been in the hospital three times now in the last five weeks.
It's just what happens, when you are nearing 90, and your body starts breaking down.
I wonder sometimes, what she would be like if she had changed her diet 20 years ago after she had a cardiac bypass, and if she had put a  walking schedule into her life.

Ah, but that's history.  She didn't change anything. She figured they "fixed" her, and she could just do what she wanted.  She became sedentary.  There's no other word.
She's also addicted to television. Has been long before she was old.  Movies in particular.  Some movies she watches over and over again.  So sedentary works for that.

Unfortunately, sedentary doesn't do much for arthritis.  And as many times as I've told her that activity DOES make the pain lessen, after you've worked through it, she won't.

I'm not like her.  Not in that way anyway.  My father's genes are firmly planted in my lifestyle.  I am always on the move.  It's not a bad thing.  I am getting older, but old age will have to chase me down.
That's the way it is.

I have 9 rugs done towards my goal of 50, but it doesn't seem like work to me at all.  In fact, I'm having a lot of fun with it.

I just try to get a little done each day.  It centers me, and keeps me focused.

In between the craziness, I savor moments of serenity;  with my knitting, reading a great book, walking my Roy boy, just driving in the car listening to Renaissance guitar.
I AM being better to myself, even in a difficult situation.

I give myself slack that I never did before.  I tell myself it's ok, when in the past, I would have gotten the whip out.
Pacing myself.
It's all brand new.

And this too shall pass.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your mom. My mother was never much for exercise either and would sit for most of the day. You do have the right idea, and no matter our age, our moms don't take advice from us very easily. I think I would be emotionally affected if I couldn't walk each day. It relaxes and clears the mind so much. Hope she feels better soon.

  2. Oh gosh, Hilary... I'm so sorry to hear your mom is not doing well. I guess age just catches up with all of us whether we exercise or not. At some point our bodies just say 'no more'. Hope the rest of the summer months go better for her and YOU as well. xox

  3. And this is why you inspire me...

  4. I'm sorry about your Mom, Mom is 92 and has diabetes and walking even around her house is becoming hard...and she doesn't even remember that she has diabetes. Getting old is tough sometimes. So I try to keep active both mentally and physically. Your rugs are amazing and I'm still in love with that one rug I was oooing and ahhing over!! Glad you are being kind to yourself!!

  5. Hi Hilary, I think the same..."old age is gonna have to chase me down too!" A lot of my friends are retiring, but I've just gotten started with another career and I'm on the go; not to mention 3 beautiful grands that keep me going:-D Love the rugs and I know you love making them, XOXO

  6. The new attitude needs to stay - everything else can pass.

    No changing other people, especially the ones that brung us here. Right?

    My mother had successful lung cancer surgery - and still smoked until the day she died.

    I say keep moving until the day you die.

  7. Sorry to hear about your Mom. I've learned early in my life that parents NEVER take their kids advice.... I'm not sure if it's pride, or payback... lol

    The rugs you are waving on are beautiful! :-)

  8. been a crazy week or two here at the office and i am finally catching up ... its good you are the opposite of your mother ... and now i am going to go kick Toonman in the butt and remind him how important walking is ..

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. It's just what happens, when you are nearing 90, and your body starts breaking down.
    I wonder sometimes, what she would be like if she had changed her diet 20 years ago after she had a cardiac bypass, and if she had put a walking schedule into her life."

    I wanted to respond to this because MY mom IS 90, just recently moved from her own home to a Sr. Care Apartment. She had her bypass 20 years ago, started a walking program...still walks around the block of the apartments after bfast, lunch and supper, changed her eating habits, and is known jokingly by the other residents as a 'troublemaker'... she doesnt remember as easily, but she plays a lot of crossword and scrabble...kicks butt everytime...she is a GREAT example to us kids! I have changed my eating habits at 50, exercise a lot more than I used to, and hope to be like MY mom when I grow up!!

    So THANKS for that comment... sometimes we need a reminder why we do healthy things...and you were a push toward that end today!

    Sorry to hear about your mom, but thanks for sharing the experince with us!


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