
Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I wish it were warmer, and more spring like....but it's not.
Doesn't mean we can't bring a little sunshine into the studio.

This is what I was dreaming about the other night, and now L is busy weaving up some.
Different lengths.......runners.  In yellows. Then maybe some in white.

These caterpillars mean SPRING.

I have been taking it easy, short visits to the studio.  Walking the dog.   Doing a little sewing.

I am doing very well, only one bad headache since surgery, but hey........I just had a drill in the back of my head.

I think an occasional headache is to be expected.

I had my SKYPE appointment with my doctor.
He is very happy with the surgery, and pleased with my progress.
He says: no diving and no football.

Hmm.  Think I can deal with that.

Now I have a confession.   I got cards when I first got home from the hospital, and I have no idea where they went, or who they were from.
So if you sent me a card, please know that I thank you.
All that good energy had to have helped.   I just know it.


  1. These colors are very pretty. I am always a sucker for any soft yellows.
    So glad you are recovering with relative ease and I wish you Spring....any time now!

  2. I am sending Spring up your way, Hilary. Today it was 82 in Maryland (way too warm for an April day as far as I'm concerned) but hey - it's coming!

  3. I will send some spring your way . The temps here have been in the 50s and sunny , this evening we have rain and thunderstorms , April showers bring me May flowers lol . I am so happy to hear you are doing well and feeling better each day ! I like yellows to . Thanks for sharing , take it easy and have a good evening !

  4. I would send you some spring all wrapped up with a bow if I could.

  5. Sounds like things are progressing nicely!!

  6. I'm so happy to hear you're doing so well. And, only one headache?! That sounds like great news to me! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers that you continue to feel better and better.

    I love your weaving, as always. Beautiful!

  7. oh i like those rugs....cheerful
    full of cheer....& such good news !!!

  8. Wonderful that you are progressing well! I love the runner. One of these days when you are back to weaving I will need to find out how to turn this big box of loopers into rugs!

  9. I love that caterpillar rug!!... beautiful!

    And we've had 70's-80's temps the past two days, I figured you'd be getting some of that. Maybe today?

  10. hugs and warm sunshine to you .... xo

  11. Wishing you continued healing. You are a better patient than i would be, i can't imagine not driving.

  12. So glad to hear your updates. I love the caterpillars.

  13. Keep on keepin' on. So good to know you are on the mend.


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