
Friday, April 12, 2013

The only sunshine around.

Everyone I know is incredulous about the weather.
Are you kidding???
It's mid April.........can't we just catch a break???
You know, warm temps, sunshine?

Not here, not today.  Cold, sleet, rain.   Really, really nasty.

My hot tub is a blessing.  A life saver.  The jets hit the back of my neck and shoulders JUST where
they hurt, and my incision is healed enough for me to enjoy them. 
There is a mourning dove in the same spot OVER the hot tub, in the rafters of the porch, where she makes herself comfortable every spring.  I try not to bother her, but I am not giving up the hot tub.
She will have to get over it.

The yellow caterpillar rugs are on my web site, and there will be more coming in different lengths.
Lois rocks, don't ya think???  They are truly the brightest thing around here.

I asked her today how long she had been at the studio...........and her answer shocked me.........almost THREE years.
Time apparently does fly, doesn't it.

I have three looms lined up to go......two of them have owners already.
I am somewhat in awe that I am doing this.........but if feels right.
Just a little.
Streamlined.  Just a little.
Lots of chained loopers out of the closet, and on their way to new homes.
SALE rugs coming soon.
Getting down to what matters.
All because of a pain in the neck.


  1. Just think of what you could do with a pain in the ... never mind. ;)

  2. Three years?!? I remember when Lois came. It seems like yesterday. Do ya think she's a keeper? LOL

  3. Hot tubs, whirlpool baths....they are so great at speeding up the healing process.

    Three years! Geez, where has the time gone?

  4. Love that you have a hot tub.

    Not to get you upset but it was so hot here this week that it was oppressive. I love the cool spring weather and am hoping for some warmer temps for you soon.

  5. I love the rugs...HOT TUB? I would love to have one...they are a great helper for pain..
    Rain here in Iowa with a chance of snow... YIKES~!
    Have a great day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  6. I am so glad to hear you are feeling much better . Hot tub sounds wonderful glad it soothes you. Lovely photos and those rugs are beautiful ! Have a good weekend !

  7. Time flies as does as does her shuttle-Great job Lois!!!

  8. As usual you amaze me. Letting go of looms and moving on.

  9. Sounds like you are definitely headed in the right direction! Happiness and joy to you!

  10. I actually just return from a "fact finding" mission to North Carolina for a move. Totally in love with the state and can't wait to start a new chapter. Love the rugs and will check out your website, XOXO


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