
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hi this is daughter number three...

My mother had her surgery on Tuesday morning.  Her two hour surgery took four hours but went very well.  Her doctor removed both bone and scar tissue.  By Tuesday evening she was asking for her book and eye glasses, and a return home on Thursday was looking very good.  But Wednesday morning she began having some back spasms as a result of the muscle manipulation done during her surgery and was in a lot of pain.  So you would think that a Thursday return home was not in the cards?  Well think again... Despite being in pain, though managed some what on Valium and Percocet, she made the five hour trip home today and is resting on the couch with nurse Roy as I type.  DH made her staple mashed potatoes and my Nan is on tea duty.  It may be a while until she can respond to all the lovely well wishes an such as she needs lots of rest but don't worry she will be back.

Oh and the pressure behind her eyes is gone...  ; )



  1. This is such good news, having this over. Do we need to plan visits by all her blogger friends for a while to make sure she takes it easy? Thanks for the update.

  2. Thanks for the update, Morgan. It all sounds good as long as she has managed the pain in her back. Bless that boy, Roy. He will be a great little nurse for the next little while. Your mom must be so happy to be without the pain in her head. Sending good thoughts and please, Hilary....REST! Hugs

  3. So glad to hear the surgery went well! Let's hope this is the one!!

  4. So glad to hear the surgery went well! Let's hope this is the one!!

  5. Thank you so much for the update. I'm wishing her well. Will keep you in my prayers.

  6. Glad to hear that the surgery went well. And, of course, "There's NO place like home!" The update is much appreciated!!

  7. Thank you, Morgan! Your Mom was on my mind, and I was wondering how the procedure went. Can't wait to hear from her in "her own words."

  8. Been thinking about you; glad to hear you are home. Wishing you well....

  9. Hallelujah! Hope this takes care of everything!!

  10. Thank you so much Morgan for the update. I've been checking the blog about 10 times a day looking for updates!!! I wish your mum a speedy recovery, and her and the rest of you some well-earned closure to this chapter. Our many prayers have been answered. Best wishes to all of you.
    Laurie in Indiana

  11. That's great to hear and so glad she is home!

  12. So glad to hear you are home and the care of Nurse Roy. I have been watching for an update on you. Have thought about you every day. Rest and heal.

  13. Thank you so much Morgan .. and Brooke for info the other day.

    I hope these spasms fade quickly. I am SO thrilled to hear that the pressure is gone. The rest of the pain will fade and your beautiful Mom will have her life back. Yay!

    Hugs to all of you.. Nurse Roy and the kitties included. :)

  14. So happy to hear she has all her loved ones around. I'll keep tabs with your posts...sending love, XOXO

  15. Thank you daughter for the update! I've been keeping Hillary in my dreams and geared up when I read this tonight. Hillary, here's to hoping this is the end of the ongoing pain. Hugs and healing thoughts to you dearest. Hope to hear from you soon.

  16. That is great news. Thank you for letting us know. Now, to recover.


  17. Thank God. Good news. Just like her to go home anyway but sounds like she is getting the best of care. Tell her to behave and rest rest rest!

  18. Thank you for the update. I am so glad that your mom is on the road to recovery! She is an amazing lady (as I am sure you know). Will be praying for a speedy recovery!

  19. Ditto to all of the above. Hilary, you are my hero.
    Kaaren from California

  20. Thank you for the update . I was wondering how your mum was doing . You make sure mum stays put and rests up and doesn't get into things before she should lol ! I wish your mum well and a speedy recovery and pray it all works out for her and she has no more headaches ! That's great the pressure has gone from behind her eyes . Take care and have nice Easter weekend !

  21. Thank you for letting us all know how your mama is doing, we all worry and fret over her and wish her a speedy recovery. Xox

  22. Great News! God Bless you and nurse Roy!

  23. Great News! God Bless you and nurse Roy!

  24. Glad for happy news!!! Thank you so much for taking time to let us know.

    She is in my thoughts and prayers.

    Rest rest rest!!!! Sounds good!

  25. Please tell her she rocks for me. And that I'm sending her 9 tons of love her way...

  26. Wonderful news! Can't wait to hear about you being back at the loom.

  27. I can't imagine a road trip just after having intricate surgery! Wish your mother a speedy successful recovery from me please. thank you for the update, Morgan.xo

  28. That is wonderful news! Thank you for keeping us updated.

  29. Woohoo! Wonderful news, thanks so much for letting us know. Bet you all are over the moon with relief.

  30. wonderful news! will continue to keep her in my thoughts and prayers.
    thanks for the update-

  31. Thanks for the update! Hilary, I am very glad things went well. I am looking forward to reading you again soon!

  32. Godspeed, Hillary, in your recovery. Thank you, thank you, Morgan, for keping us updated. Prayers have been floating skyward from all over the nation for your mom's well-being.

  33. PTL! So glad she is home and recovering! Thanks for the update! Fantastic news about the pressure being gone! Nurse Roy... lol!

  34. So happy to hear that everything went well!

  35. I am keeping her in my heart, and I know she will be better after this surgery. I am so wishing she could have her normal life back, and maybe now she will. She's such a strong person. I admire her so much!

  36. Wonderful! Blessings to you all, especially to your mom.

    Nurse Roy has special healing skills.

  37. Excellent news - thanks for update!

  38. I am a firm believer that the healthiest recoveries happen at home surrounded by the love of family, pets and caring friends. Hospitals are not designed to be restful so I think Hilary will be dancing a small jig and indulging her passion for weaving fairly soon. Thanks Morgan for easing our anxious minds with such good news. Sending lots of positive energy to all of you.

  39. Thank you so much for the update... I have been following your Mom and her talent and her challenges and her bravery for some time now.... hang in the Hillary!

  40. Sweet daughter #3..thanks for sharing the good news about our friend "H". Hopefully now the miserable headaches will just be a distant memory. Just REST now & let them take care of YOU for just awhile!
    J in MN

  41. HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! could you give her a gentle hug and give Roy some scratches behind the ears .. thanks!

  42. Glad for the update. I am happy she is home and the pressure is gone. Recover soon!

  43. Wooohoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! so perhaps the monster has been slayed!!!....


  44. Praying for a continued, speedy, recovery.

  45. Another voice chiming in to thank you for the update, Morgan...and to say hurrah!! for the positive report on the surgery. Know that she will be well cared for at home with Roy. Sending love and hugs and good wishes for speedy and complete (ie. no more headaches!!) healing.

  46. Me, too!--Thanks for the update. Hillary, GET WELL WISHES from here! Glad the surgery went well and hoping and praying your recovery goes smoothly! Pat Mofjeld

  47. Me, too!--Thanks for the update. Hillary, GET WELL WISHES from here! Glad the surgery went well and hoping and praying your recovery goes smoothly! Pat Mofjeld

  48. Thanks for the great update. I flew the coop a day early also after my recent run in with a back surgeon. Former nurses know it is best to get home and get back to the caretakers who really care about you!

    Well wishes Hilary!


  49. Thank you so much for being such a great daughter! And updating us! For some reason I missed the emailed version of the blog and just decided to check manually.

    SO glad that you are HOME Hilary. My prayers and healing energy are sitting there with you and Roy.

  50. I am so glad to read you are home and resting Hilary. You have good nurses...Roy & DH. Thanks for the update Morgan. We all appreciate it.


  51. thanks for the update, glad to hear the surgery went well and that the pressure behind the eyes is gone,
    best wishes to your mum and to you all now....

  52. Give your Mom gentle hugs from me! Glad that she is back home and resting. Love to you all!

  53. Thank you for giving us all an update Morgan, your mom is one tough lady !
    Sending lots of speedy well-wishes her way, in the hands of her loving family, and nurse Roy, I believe she will soon be back to weaving, and enjoying life.
    Hugs dear friend.

  54. Relieved & pleased to read your mom is already home and healing! Thank you Morgan for the update we were all waiting for. Many prayers answered...gentle hugs.

  55. Thank you so much for update Morgan!! Continued healing thoughts your way Hillary!! Pain free days looming on the horizon........well I couldn't help myself!!!! I know you too have a sense of humor you special lady!!
    Fondly, Rain

  56. Thank you so much for the progress report as I have also had her on my mind these last few days wondering how she came through the surgery and how she was doing. She is one amazing woman. Sounds like Nurse Roy has everything under control and his 'best gal' by his side to watch over. You have given us a nice written visual of all the care she is receiving, deservedly so. Continuing to pray for her quick and uneventful recovery...

  57. What wonderful news. I know Roy is taking extra special care of her. Thank you for the update.

  58. I was outside doing something and suddenly, I remembered. "Hilary!" I came inside to find this update and am so glad to read it. Sorry I didn't check in sooner - having some stuff going on. Praying for your continued recovery, my friend. The birds are singing and it's a pretty day, made even better with this news.

  59. Thank you, thank you for such wonderful news!! My continues prayers and hugs!!

  60. Still praying for her. Thank God the eye pressure is gone!

  61. Thanks so much for the update. So glad the surgery went well and your Mom is home.
    Lynda in Michigan

  62. The sun is shining here in MD. and I'm thinking of you, hoping your feeling better every day.

  63. Yes, thank you for the update! She has been on my mind...I'm so glad it is over as I'm sure she is! Yay to no pressure!!!! Hilary, rest and heal! Hugs...


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