
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Another day and a winner.

Some days you do what you can do.
I coudn't get motivated to work on certain projects that I knew would be problematic, so I wound a warp.
Methodical, routine.  I could handle it.
Sometimes it is good to know your limitations.

These colors moved me.  They make me think of the wall paintings in  my favorite Mexican restaurant.

This is my halfassed hybrid way of putting a warp on from the warping board.
It works.
That's what matters.

It's March.  That means April is coming.  Just knowing that gives me hope.

Until it does, we're one day at a time, here in northeast NY.  Waiting for clear skies, sunshine, warmth.

Cats sleeping everywhere, inside and out.

The giveaway winner of the rug hooking frame and wool is LISA of  Ewes Crazy & So Is I

So email me Lisa, with your address, and I will let you know what shipping is.
Congrats!!!!!  Get HOOKING!!!


  1. It's warming up here, too. No sun today but I'll just be happy with milder temps. I can see by the pic that the cats are very comfy around your place (inside and out) Have a good day, Hilary. Deb

  2. Those colors are beautiful - can't wait to see the weaving in progress.

  3. Way to go for Lisa. Today was blustery here but not horrible. It's always a pleasure coming to visit with you here.

  4. Definitely Mexican restaurant colors. They are so lively and blend perfectly together. Makes me hungry for fish tacos.

  5. Congrats Lisa ! Oh such lovely colours . It was rainy and dull here today but tomorrow will be sunny and warm . Thanks for sharing with us . Have a good evening !

  6. I so sympathize about the weather. I don't remember the last time I felt so beat up by the weather, and I don't even suffer from the headaches. Spring has to come eventually, right? Maybe today?

    I love these colors. What are the colors destined for?

  7. Great colors in your warp. Can't wait to see what you weave with it. Have a wonderful, headache free weekend!


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