
Friday, December 7, 2012

Monkeying around. Again.

Tammy is at it again.  When she's not working at her cleaning business, Morehouse Cleaning Services, or weaving rugs at her fave weaving studio, Crazy as a Loom, she is busy making adorable felted Christmas ornaments.

You can go HERE to her Etsy shop to see more of them, before they are all gone!!!

I just happened on a blog written by another Chiari surgery patient.  I was googling the effects of barometric pressure on headaches post brain surgery, and there she was.
Through her, I found a link to a "aches and pains" index on
Go HERE to put your zip code in, and try it for yourself.  It indicates the likelihood that the weather will make your headaches, arthritis, or other ailments, worse.
This week, the index was LOW, and Monday through Thursday were very good for me.
This morning, when I woke up, I knew it was different.  Not horrible, but different, and all day my headache has been a 5-6.
I checked the "index" and today in my zip code, it's a 5.  Hmm.
Tomorrow and Sunday, it's supposed to be a 3 both days. Monday it's going to be 10.
Ouch. While I am not excited about a slammer on Monday,  I will be very interested to see if my headache is truly that nasty on Monday.
My daughter had a good point though.  It really IS that much better now that I know WHY.
And I also know that there ARE good days.  And those GOOD days will get me through the lousy ones.
Perspective.  I always knew that it was important.  I just didn't know that it was everything.

A lady came into the shop today, with a proposition.  She said she had one of my towels, and she loved it.  She had a tiny crib, that she didn't want anymore.
Would I trade???
Well, that may sound crazy, but I gotta tell ya, I LOVE SWAPPAGE.

And besides, the monkeys needed a place of their own.  They've been asking me.

OK, I'm crazy.  I have never denied it.
But tell me, isn't it the sweetest?  And isn't it perfect?  I love the little tail sticking out between the rungs.

 I swear I heard them whispering and giggling when I walked by.

 Here's my new marketing idea.  Not real sure how I am going to do it.  But the medium Socketbook is a perfect tablet/Ipad carrier.   
What do you think?

And I think it's time for a giveaway.  But I need an idea?  Anyone???


  1. Hilary - that index is amazing. It's supposed to be a 7 here on Monday. Tonight is a 0. Oddly enough, my knee isn't screaming. At all.

    I love that little crib. And I'd love to win a monkey. I'm all for giveaways!

  2. Monkey's in a crib would sure make me smile everytime I'd see them - so cute.

  3. Such lovely colours to see and work with every day ! Yes the weather has a lot to do with my body pain for if it is chilly and damp I ache from head to toe and it hits me fast, my right leg is the worst . I do hope you can ease you head aches . Have a good day !

  4. I can almost hear them giggling too! I love how bright the colors are--it makes me smile:-D

  5. They are in there all whispering and giggling. What's more fun than a crib of sock monkeys? Nothing!!!

    A monkey giveaway would be a blast.

    I have to check out that index thing and see if it works with the arthritis in my thumbs.

  6. I love your idea!! and so would alot of URBAN people who carry those things all over the city and are always looking for a NEW VIBE. Now, how to get your word out to those people!!...

    LOVE the crib, oh, how stinking cute.

  7. I love your iPad carrier idea! I love just as much that you and I have the exact same iPad cover!

    The monkeys in the crib are delightful.

  8. Those monkeys in the crib are so dang cute! Reminds me of the nursery rhyme "no more monkeys jumping on the bed"! lol! Yes.... I think they start playing when you leave the studio for the day... Might have Sydney keep a watch on them.... :-)

  9. Those monkeys are the most perfect thing on earth.

  10. The monkeys in the crib is just adorable. Great swap!

  11. An aches and pains forecast! Who knew? Thanks for the link.

    Your monkeys are calling to me, by the way.

  12. I love my 2 ornaments I purchased from Tammy. Nice additions to my tree. I love felting and sheep anything.


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