
Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 366.

  The last day of the year.  I keep thinking about it, and I am dead sure that I could not have ever guessed what my life would be like this past year, and I don't even think I could have made it up if I tried.
The terms.....Chiari, basilar invagination, cervical fusion.......they swirl around in my head sometimes.

Still hard to believe.

The good news is that I made it through all of it.  You know because you were right here with me.  And believe me, I felt that.  It was good, knowing that this whole host of friends had your back.  You worried, and you prayed, and you sent me good energy.
That's unbelievable to me, that you did that.  But I know you did.

And the people who took care of me in person, those dear friends, my family............well, I can't begin to tell you how lucky I am.  I often think about how everyone put themselves out for me, to be there for me, to do the things I could not do, to buoy me up and keep me safe, to give of themselves freely because I needed it.  
And the good news, I am better.   I am 16 weeks post op, and guess what...... I am not going to count those weeks anymore.
Tomorrow is 2013, and a brand new start.  With my brand new, redesigned HEAD, and my wonderful new PERSPECTIVE.
What matters, what counts, what is genuine.
Good soup.  Good wine.  Good friends.
Simple everyday things.
Being here, in the moment, now.  I think I could have read Eckhart Tolle a dozen times, and not have the understanding that I got from my personal experience with my own life this year.

Being mindful.
Maybe my old brain wasn't capable.
My new brain is, though.

Listening.  Breathing. Being quiet in my heart.

Say goodbye.  2012 is soon but a memory.  And that's fine with me.


  1. Your title should be day 366, because it was a leap year.

  2. The memory of 2012 is just fine with me, too. I say let's get on with it. And I only hope that 2013 is a little better. Hell, a lot better.

  3. Love the last photo ! On wards and up wards I say ! Happy New Year !

  4. Here's to more fun, more relaxation and more Roy in the New Year!
    Happy New Year to you and your sweet family. Happy New Year to "L" and "O" as well. You have all become such a large part of my life this year and I really appreciate all that you have done and blogged about and shared. I can't count the wonderful lessons I have learned about life from you!
    I am so looking forward to more fun in 2013 and MORE WEAVING!!!

  5. Hau'oli Makahiki Hou! Sending best wishes and hugs for a wonderful 2013!

  6. Onward with life.

    Upward with spirit.

    Outward with the OLD.

    Inward with the NEW.

    Happy New Year, Hilary


  7. Here's to a happy, healthy, peaceful, rejuvinating New Year for all of us - with love from This Old House - Xo

  8. It really has been quite the year for you, Hilary. I have appreciated your strength and trust to allow us all to come along on this worrisome and yet remarkable journey you took. I am just so happy to know you are not only back to being yourself but even better. We've all had some ups and downs in 2012 and I think we are all ready to bid it adieu. Cheers, Hilary. All the best in 2013.

  9. So glad you made it through, so glad you're feeling good. Best wishes to you, Hilary, for a healthy and meaningful 2013!


  10. You have inspired me this past year with your courage and outlook on life thanks and bring on the new year .

  11. 2013 will be a stellar year for you! I can feel it and gladly we will be along for the ride!
    Happy New Year!

  12. Here it is, your fresh new year. All best wishes, Hilary

  13. 2013 Awaits! Happy New Year, dear friend, XOXO

  14. dearest Hilary,

    New Year's Day is almost over down here in Oz. It was a lovely rainy day spent with friends. I have followed you every step of your journey that you care to blog about.

    We are all sending good vibes and I wonder at your past ability to work long and hard. I never have had the luck. I could have been very wealthy by now if this had been possible. I'm the original 'good ideas' lady! You keep on getting better and improve each day. BABY STEPS! I think you've learned that lesson. Have a great 2013. xo

  15. You showed my favorite M.E. card. One given to me at pivotal point in my life - I still have it.

    Happy New year to you - 2013 to be grand.

  16. Happy New Year to you! I have that Don't Look Back picture near my desk... because it's true. A person can not change the past... but, they can prepare and create a better future...

  17. Oh Hilary...this year is going to be wonderful. I just know it! And I am borrowing your lovely phrase for myself this new and fresh year! "Listening. Breathing. Being quiet in my heart." I love it!

  18. its fine with me too ... here's to a healthy happy new year!

  19. I love that Mary Englebright print. I had it hanging on my wall for years. Here is to 2013, being magical, minimal, and bright.

  20. Happy Newness. Here's to dreams and wishes coming true for you.


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