
Monday, July 2, 2012

The fam

The other day, my oldest grandson, apon learning that he was going to be subjected to all of his relatives on his mother's side on Sunday, after seeing them twice already this past week, said, in all seriousness, "Isn't that too much family time?"

Silly boy.
Family is more important than anything.  Fam is the bomb.

Summer: two little girls, a hammock, chocolate cupcakes.
It doesn't get any better.

After the strawberry pie hit my blog last week, I was forced to MAKE one.
What a simple recipe, and a lovely way to enjoy strawberries.  I cheated and used a store bought graham cracker crust.

At the request of #3 daughter, I made a peach blueberry cobbler (gluten free but no one knew)
It was SO good.
Recipe HERE.

 And the infamous chocolate variety............they are wolfed down regardless.

It was a beautiful summer's day......

Good food, family, the pool, some competitive Corn Hole on the lawn, and lots of laughing.

And a little girl that loves her uncle.
Just look at that face.  It was a photo opportunity that I couldn't resist.

 Yup, family is just about as good as life gets.   Not something you know, when you're fourteen.
But somewhere along the way, you get it.
And it's good.


  1. Love family time, too. Your photos are wonderful especially the hammock ones. So cute! Everyone here was scattered everywhere this weekend so I got the privilege? of caring for the stay-at-home pets. We can't join in on the fireworks fun because our dog is a basket case and needs to stay inside, glued to my ankle and sometimes even hiding behind the toilet once the noise starts. Oh, it's just loads of fun.

  2. Dang... now I gotta go bake up some cobbler!! It's hot out here ya know?

    Your fam pics are the bestest! You really capture the love and joy of being together.

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  3. family is the most important part of life ....

  4. Those sweets look delicious but the kidlets.. even more so.

  5. Thanks for the gluten-free recipe!! YUM!!..

    ...and this part of life.. quality family time?.. is the stuffing that fills the soul.

    I just noticed what you have written under "leave your comment" Brilliant solution to annoying problem!!

  6. These are so sweet. All the way down to the desserts ~~


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