
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Daily Grind

We have one, a daily grind. 
 Stuff that needs/has to get done.  Not the most FUN stuff.
Like the "looper dance", which entails us opening box after box on a white tarp in front of the barn, for the purpose of mixing up the colors.

Periodically, it has to get done.

So far, 28 monkeys have FLOWN out of the studio.
If I'm not careful, I will be MONKEYLESS.
Oh, God help me.

I really couldn't get into anything today.  The phone kept ringing, and I kept getting interrupted.
And to tell the truth, I wasn't feeling all that motivated.
You know when that happens??

I did tie fringe on two rugs I finished yesterday.

Tomorrow is Friday, and I'm glad.
Hopefully, next week will find me more inspired.


  1. Well, I've had my colour fix for the night. I love those monkeys. I'm hitting the sack early. Tomorrow I turn 60 and I need to be rested when the shock hits. Hugs, Deb

  2. Whhhh that looks like fun!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  3. monkeys flying out of your shop made me think of the Wizard of OZ and those flying monkeys .. ;)

  4. You have mentioned some good points about RV . Is there any place where I can book RV Park online ?

  5. I love the look of that solid cube of loopers. I never would have guessed that it looked like that! Of course, I wouldn't like it so much if I had to do the mixing up!


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