
Saturday, April 7, 2012

No rest for the wicked.

Back to work today.
There were warps to put on and fringes to tie.
Orders to send out.
Then another walk for Roy.
Do you know that this boy gets TWO walks a day.  Good grief, he is spoiled.

Our second walk today was windy and cold, but there is nothing as calming as walking  by the river.

Even if it was overcast.
I will admit it, I am hooked on walking every day.  It's very addictive.

I wanted to share a couple more pictures from was such a fun day.
I already have the warp picked out for double binding rugs on the Cranbrook.....that is happening on Monday.  If tomorrow weren't Easter..........

The friend we visited yesterday was very gracious, and gave her permission for me to take all the photographs I did.
She is a very accomplished weaver, but an accomplished knitter as well.
I love this doilie she KNIT, and hung in her window.
It makes me want to knit one.....but in addition to having to be skilled enough to do it, one also must be patient enough.

But there is satisfaction in all kinds of endeavors...........hanging out clothes can be very rewarding.  Sometimes I have to remind myself to keep it simple.

Have a great Easter everyone.


  1. MMMM...those air dried clothes are going to smell so nice and fresh!

  2. Oh, your photographs today are just amazing. I so love to visit your blog. I get it about the walking. If I don't walk every day I get 'bitchy' and Kane is spoiled too with 2 walks a day. I think they will live longer for it. Your friend is a very fine knitter. I have a friend that I walk an hour with 3 days a week besides my daily with Kane and she, too is a fine knitter. Makes me want to start again. Give Roy a hug and have a very nice, peaceful Easter day with your family. will be nuts! :) Hugs, Deb

  3. Oh, Hilary - that rug is beautiful. I love hanging out laundry on the line. My husband washes the sheets every Saturday and getting into bed last night, I breathed deep at their wonderful scent. Happy Easter ~ hugs to Roy.

  4. I used to love hanging clothes outside! They smell so nice when they're dried in the fresh air. I remember all too well, though, the mad dashes to get all the dry clothes in before a sudden storm! Such a sense of accomplishment when you beat the storm!

    As a beginning knitter, I have yet to figure out how you knit a round doily. Does one start out with teeny tiny circular needles? I doubt it, but in my little mind it makes sense. Hah!

  5. Oh I agree! Your photographs ARE amazing! Love the clothes blowing in the breeze and that doily, WOW! I'm walking with our new Oliver at least once a day and most times twice. It does feel good!

  6. Oh what great photos and what a lucky dog Roy is to get two walks a day ...

  7. A lovely post, Hilary... what great walking paths you have there!... and you're better than me.. I did not brave the cold wind to walk the dogs. They had to settle for the yard.

    I LOVE that colorful rug! WOW.

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