
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Ole One Eye

There has been a little bird at the feeder of late, with one eye.

Today I got a shot of him.  You can see the right eye is not right.


I wonder what happened.  Did he fly into a thorn???
Was he born that way??

 Easy to see that he is a regular at the feeder.

At least he has the one good eye, shiny and black.

I made some of the new rugs today, Chunky Solmate Sock rugs.  I couldn't help but think about the evolution of this rug.
In the beginning, the bumpy original gumball variety.  Bright and colorful, shed a little before the first wash.

Then the Walking on Sunshine variety, still colorful, but looking more like stained glass, not so bumpy, shed very little.

And now this one, the CHUNKY one.  Thicker, softer, just as colorful, and it does not shed ONE TINY BIT.

I love that we have found a better way to make it, that is is a better product than we started out with.

We done good.


  1. You DID do well! I love this new rug. I love when things get better when we make improvements - and this one is wonderful! :-)

  2. I hate to see any animal or bird handicapped. Gary saw birds picking on another while they were eating something that was near a garbage can and when he looked closer he noticed the bird only had one leg. The other two kept running at him and Gary chased them away long enough so this poor thing could eat. I was impressed! :-)

  3. Always room for improvement... although your rugs are already awesome!

  4. don'tcha just love it when things work out? great job...

  5. This little bird is adapting to life just like we do. Sometimes we get injured whether it's with cuts and bruises or it's our feelings..we are able to work around the hurt and get to the feeder. I never miss a meal and this little bird doesn't either. ha ha.
    Love this new rug, so colorful.. Would be good to have around when the sky is dark and it's raining. I would call this rug "the rainbow rug".. so colorful>
    Have a Tiggeriffic day~ ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  6. There was a wave of conjunctivitis going around among house finches a few years ago... she may be a survivor of that.

    /bird nerd


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