
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Just passing through.

 No, this is not my brain, although it could be.  
It is commonly known as a 'puff ball',  I am not going to bore you with information, but if you are CURIOUS, click HERE and you can read all about it.
I have been watching this one for a while, as it grew bigger and bigger.
Now I am going to take it to my granddaughter, so she can take it to school.......very carefully.

 This has been an incredibly busy week at the studio, cleaning and getting ready for weavers, sending orders out, finishing orders.   L and I can barely keep up.
Thank God for Sydney, keeping that rug still while L ties the fringe.  Way to go, Syd!!!!

  The other cats are playing up in the "Amazon", which we think is how they perceive the loft.....when I click the latch to the door, they all come running.

 Jins seems to be posing in front of a drawing on the wall, we could call her little pumpkin head.
And Kizzy is just lounging in the sun, on a bag of selvedge.   Not a care in the world, these two.

Then the weavers arrive, and weaving bootcamp begins.
 Between getting warps wound, threaded, sleyed and beamed on, I made dinner.
Baked stuffed haddock, broccoli, rice pilaf (my own version), salad and rolls.......with a little pinot grigio to wash it all down.

We would have been weaving into the night, but exhaustion hit about 10pm.
And after all, tomorrow is another day.


  1. That is a HUGE puffball. We get small ones in our yard but they aren't nearly as clean looking or big as that one.

  2. I love seeing what you are doing and always there is a cat or two and lots of color.

  3. Hi, Hilary,

    I've been following your blog for a long time now. I LOVE to see what you're doing. You're one of the few weavers I know of who make a living at it.

    You probably already know this, but that puffball is edible and really tasty. Slice it thin and fry it with butter. Yum! We had giant puffballs like this when I lived in rural NY, but there's nothing quite like it that I've found out on the west coast.


  4. You sure do keep busy. Love all the photos. It's all so new to me.
    Congrats on 300 followers.
    Have a great day. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4

  5. Oh my, that tiny little loom looks like the one I've borrowed for the workshop I'm in. It's the littlest among the twelve present and it's so small that walking is a problem.

  6. Oh my, that tiny little loom looks like the one I've borrowed for the workshop I'm in. It's the littlest among the twelve present and it's so small that walking is a problem.

  7. Oh my, that tiny little loom looks like the one I've borrowed for the workshop I'm in. It's the littlest among the twelve present and it's so small that walking is a problem.


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