
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

International shipping and pigs.

I am at a loss to figure out why business is booming at Crazy as a Loom.
Aren't we in a recession??
Not complaining, just wondering.

Have a red and green warp on the spool rack, for Christmas placemats.  But first, we have to have time to weave off the log cabin placemats.
There's never enough time.

It was a rainy, gray day, and the pellet stove took the chill off.

In fact, it was putting a certain someone to sleep.

I was working on a fabric rug, but kept getting interrupted.
Answering the phone, writing up orders, shipping, CUSTOMS paperwork, etc, etc.
Like I said, I am not complaining.
But a secretary would be nice.

I couldn't resist these shots.
Front pigs,

Does it get any cuter??

Lois was busy out in "shipping".  I think she needs more space.

I'm sorry, did we wake you up???

There's work to be done, girl.   No time for a photo shoot.

Sydney says:  Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.

No one could ever hate you Syd.  That's a fact.


  1. I for one am 'fall over on my head in love with Syd'. Glad business is booming.

  2. Sydney, you have such gorgeous green eyes!

  3. I'm glas business is going so well for you. No doubt due to your grey tabby helper. I have one named Ashton at my place. Aren't they just adorable ...

  4. Wish I lived closer - I'd make an excellent secretary! :-) Love that Sydney - no denying it - she's a princess.

  5. In times of recession, people revert to long lasting, comfortable things. You have fit that bill. Plus you have fun stuff, happy stuff. That is always good.
    Sydney is gorgeous. Love those eyes!
    My "Sitting on Sunshine" chair pad is wonderful! It's helping me learn my weaving lessons!

  6. Aside from baby toes, there's nothing sweeter than a cat's pads ..

  7. Miss Syd you are a doll, love your cuddly pigs! Hillary it is indeed wonderful that your shop is doing booming business! Comfort food, comfort rugs - now I ask you does it get any better?

  8. LOL... for a minute there I thought you might be considering a pen out back for oinkers. And now I bet you're thinking.."When Pigs Fly!!!"...

    Have a great day, Hilary :-)

  9. Hi Hilary is incredible and beautiful, I am hand weaving from Brazil, your blog are great and I love cats too.

  10. I'm a sucker for a tabby and miss my Carson Kitty, even to this day. Charlie is an orange tabby and I can't think of not having one.

    I got a call today from a lady who is a beginning weaver. She's ordered loopers from you and I went to her house to help her get a warp on. I hadn't heard from her, but they've sold their house, moved into their rental and she's gotten another supply of loopers from you.

    She needed warping help and her books are packed. OMG, you're calling me?!! And then I realized that her questions were ones I could actually answer. Pay it forward. It felt great - thanks.


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