
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Back at it.

Did you guess that my face fell off last night????

Well, it didn't actually fall off, it just felt like it was going to.  My visit to the doctor went pretty much as I expected, but the prescription for my diagnosed sinus infection did not make it to the pharmacy as planned.
After a couple of hours delay, I was finally able to pick it up, but by that time, I barely managed to get myself to bed.

Today, it is a bit better, still the headache, but the beginnings of relief.
Ah.  Drugs.
I have so much to do in the next few weeks,  and I need to be at my best.
Back at the loom.

We need a stack of Solmate sock rugs, blue jean rugs, red and green placemats for Christmas, plus all kinds of kits made up.  We have a list, a scary list.   And we only have 3 weeks to get it all done.
Covering your eyes up will not help.

See the mess I make??  I always tried to tell my daughters that it was my 'creative muse' that left such crazy piles in our house.  They never did believe me.

It is good to have goals, and things to work towards.  And right now we have that.   Sometimes though, I have to back off, and have none for awhile.
Usually after the first weekend in December, which is the Country Christmas Open House,  it is time for a break.  
Time to put that warp on the loom that I have been dreaming of, the one that will challenge me, and pull me out of my comfort zone.

When it gets bitter cold, and the world outside is white, only the sun through the windows while I weave, and the roar of the pellet stove, make it all OK.
I try to keep that in mind.

Many of the windows in the house have wavy glass, and I have purposely not replaced those windows.  They have been here for 200+ years, and far be it from me to remove them.
I tried and tried to get a good photo to show you, and finally go this one.

Whenever I start to feel bad about getting so old, I think about this old house, with its wavy glass, its glowing pitch pine floors, the original doors and hardware, and everything that makes it so special.  I think about all the good energy I feel here every day. 
And then I think maybe getting older isn't so bad after all.  Maybe like antiques, we just get more valuable.


  1. Oh wow, your weaving looks beautiful! The colors especially stand out on the white background.

  2. I love your philosophy, your windows, your energy.

  3. Yes, we are getting more valuable! We are positively glowing!!! Oh yeah, your studio is beginning to look like mine! ha!

  4. Thank goodness you are on the mend. YAY!!!
    That window is so cool.
    The "Rainbow Bottoms" seat cushion you sent me is working it's magic. I have done some pretty cool learning on my loom since it got here.

  5. Glad you are healing and feeling better. The West Coast and East Coast have such different feels. You folks have the history and old live with the feel of our ancestors. Here, in the West, everything is relatively new and disconnected from much history. We have our indigeneous history, our missions, gold mines, and old farms but you have the true connection to the past. I remember feeling the ghostiness of things in Maine. There is nothing like that in California.

  6. Hilary, just wanted to share. Have you ever tried a Netti Pot? I have been plagued with sinus issues for years. I'd end up with an infection twice a year like clockwork. Finally, a sweet little nurse at my doctor's office suggested that I try using one. I DID and it worked (knock on wood). I haven't been to the dr for about a year. You might want to give it a shot.
    Jackie, from PA

  7. There certainly is a lot of good cozy warm energy in your home and studio! The picture of the kitty is so cute and the glass picture is simply "picture perfect"! Sinus headaches are one of the toughest pains... glad you're getting some relief from it now.

  8. oh what a lovely post! Hilary - your analogy of aging, and the old house - seriously - it needs to be stitched and framed somewhere. It just melted my heart. I still wish I could come and help you! It would be a dream come true...hey that's it! Do a Giveaway of someone coming and helping you! Ha! You get help for free! The pellet stove, the cats, the weaving. It's a dream. Please come and warp my loom if'n you have the time. : 0)

  9. Sinuses suck the life outta ya .. glad you are going to be on the mend .. remember a while back I offered to 'rep' you here in NYC .. well I found a shop that I know you will love so when you have a minute lets talk!

  10. I'll remember your analogy of aging on those days I need it. Glad you're feeling better. Give those kitties a hug for me.


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