
Thursday, September 29, 2011

What to do

Little day trip today with my friend.
We didn't accomplish much, but that was ok.  We really just wanted to spend time together.

I have had and still have good friends in my life.  I am very fortunate.
Some friends drift away.  Some friends pop back into your life on occasion, and other friends are always there.  I am grateful, for all of them.
Not long ago, I read The Ice Princess, by Camilla Lackberg, a Swedish writer who has become an international sensation.
Then when I was in Maine, I found her second book,  The Preacher, which I liked even better.
Then I found out that there are three more, not available on Amazon yet, The Stonecutter, The Gallows Bird, and The Hidden Child.   But they are in print in Great Britain, in English, of course.  So I did some searching, found them, and ordered them from another vendor.
Two of them have arrived, and I am into The Stonecutter already.
I highly recommend them.  Good reads.
So as much as my knitting is calling me, I'm going back to my book.
It's raining.  That's my excuse.
Roy says hey.


  1. We actually had a tiny bit of sunshine today.

    Hey Roy!

  2. Hey right back.

    Those books sound good. And the weather here? Finally the sun has been sighted. Blessed relief ~

  3. You'll have to show us what you're knitting. Hey Roy.

  4. Roy Boy! I will have to look those books up and see what all the fuss is about. Enjoy the rain.

  5. hey Roy.

    Blustery, wet and cold here, perfect reading weather. Will check out your titles.

    Hope you have a great (and peaceful) weekend


I love that you have taken time out to stop by and say hello. Come back again!
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