
Friday, April 22, 2011

Gone fishin'

My grand baby girl has gone home.  She was here since Tuesday.
I have to say, she was a sweetheart almost the whole time.
The couple of times she got cranky, was when she was overtired, and ready for bed.

We took our bikes down to the canal, to do a little bike riding.

It was educational, too.  Sometime this summer, we are coming back down here to watch a boat go through the locks.

Yes, I do have trouble not "thinking" about the work I "think" I "should" be doing.
But on the other hand, I know what's most important to me.  And I schedule the important stuff, no matter how much my inner critic bitches at me.
And this little girl is important.  Spending time with her, and my other grandchildren, means everything to me.

Look, live here, and I live HERE.

She is a very intense little girl, and engaging her takes a lot of energy.

Last night, I taught her how to play chess.  I thought it would be difficult to explain it all to her, and figured I would have to go over and over it.
Think again.
She not only got it right away, she remembered most of what I told her, and only had to be reminded a couple of times.
We played, I won, and I was acutely aware that one day soon, she will be beating me.

She asked about her Easter eggs, remember those, a couple of weeks ago???   I told her we ate them.
She was horrified.
So we colored more eggs.
I always told my kids that the Easter bunny got run over on the state highway, and they weren't getting any baskets with green grass at my house.  My mother did that stuff for them.  They knew how I felt about it.   I did the Santa thing, but the Easter bunny.
Get real.
And I never, ever colored Easter eggs, never.
Until now.  And I've colored them twice in a month.

I guess that means that I'm lost.

I'm a fool for  my grandchildren.

I never thought.

Never imagined.

It would happen to me.

But it has.

Can you blame me?  
Look at that face.

And now for some quiet time.

Do we have fishing poles????


  1. I never thought my kids would have kids and then suddenly they did, two each. I still pinch myself. What a wonderful day and weather you had to make memories for both of you.

  2. I did the coloring egg thing when my kids were little but never went over board. Your granddaughter is adorable!!! It looks like the two of you were having a great time. Happy Easter!

  3. oh, enjoy that peace and quiet and get some rest! she's adorable and smart! i can only imagine how exhausting too!

  4. Being a fool over grandchildren is a wonderful thing!

  5. Becoming a grandmother at 45 took me completly unprepared--I still had a 12 yr. old at home-- I was THE mom around here!!! Who asked me? I think I was in shock for a couple of years---then it began to grow on me--now I have five and it just gets more fun.
    We'll be doing our egg dying tomorrow--check out the silk tie dyed eggs at Suzanne McMinn's Chickens in the Road ( are absolutely AMAZING! Little works of art!

  6. Oh my goodness-I LOVE the Easter bunny got killed on the state highway!!PERFECT!! Even though I'm a Congregationalist(not overboard thou!)-I too HATE the easter bunny-I mean what the heck does he have to do with anything?? But alas I caved! I blame it on my love of crafting different things-and coming up with eggs different then those kits being sold in the Wmart!! So from over the years I have saved-ready for this-11 DOZEN handmade eggs my 2 kids,2 nieces & I have made! Bring them out at Easter for decorations-what can I do now start throwing them away!!?~Rain

  7. The minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, etc that you spend with your kids and grand kids is the best time you can spend on Earth.
    I'm a new grandmother to a beautiful 4 month old little girl.
    You're setting a very good example for me. Thank you. :-)
    Yes, there are "other" things to be done, but nothing better than what you're doing when you're spending time with the children of your children.



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