
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Time to rest

Weaving boot camp completed.
Whew!!!  I am beat.  Another newbie weaver set loose on the world.
I love it.

Last night, I lay in bed reading, and I heard some thumping out on in the back of the house.  So I snuck downstairs with a flashlight, and shone it out on the back porch.  The culprit was a very large opossum, who was not one bit interested in me or the illumination.  He wandered around looking for more food, he had already finished the cat food, and muddied up their water.  Sydney and I watched for a bit, and he finally waddled off the porch, and I went back to my book.
I am reading The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, after my daughter badgered me for a  month.
And I can't wait to finish it.

One of the things I love about the studio is the morning light.
The house faces east, and as soon as the sun comes up, the whole place just glows.

On one hand, the earth can be so brutal, and on the other, its beauty is incredible.

It makes my heart sing, if you know what I mean.

It is good to have these moments, especially when the news is so horrific.  It is reassuring to feel joy in something simple and basic.

It is easy to be fearful of the unknown.
Harder sometimes to choose to be positive.
Maybe that is why I weave, because when I get immersed in the color and the texture in front of me, I forget about everything else.
Everyone copes in their own way.


  1. I love the photo of your cat !!!

  2. I love the sunshine pictures -- especially the one with the kitty in it!

  3. Wonderful colors. Wonderful words. Wonderful kitten in the sun! God is good...

  4. I think it is your looms that make the studio so beautiful along with the light...they just seem to say "Look what we can do"...

  5. Ah yes. Rest. Love this post. The colors are beautiful. Isn't the sun through the windows GORGEOUS?!?!?

  6. I watched The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo on Netflix a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it. Of course it's all in another language so you have to read the subtitles while you watch it.

  7. True.. indulging in creativity helps point out what's beautiful in the world... speaking of which, that photo of kitty on the stairs is just wonderful.

  8. I love why you weave. Makes sense.
    The book you're reading? Much better than the movie, although they kept true to it for the most part. But the book - better. Wicked.

  9. Someday I'm going to learn to weave, its been on my 'list' for many years..seems to be a release into a different world, the continuous soothing motions of making something beautiful-

    Beautiful kitty picture

  10. I LOVE that last rug, gorgeous!!...

    I'm admiring the morning light right now as it spills golden into my office. It can change your view comletely, can't it?

  11. More newbie weavers, yahoo! If you like Tattoo, you will LOVE the other 2 in the series - Lisbeth is such a rich character. I got them in audiobook form, so I could listen while weaving, the perfect blend of 2 joys!

  12. The glow and warmth from the sunlight in your photographs does offer consolation and your words are such a good reminder to appreciate the beauty around us, to live simply, and mindfully.

    It always amazes me what a little sunlight can do ... and a caring friend!

  13. what a beautiful morning! Love your pictures! thank you so much.

  14. Looks like your student caught on well.... her rug turned out lovely!!!!


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