
Friday, January 21, 2011

High times.

After struggling with the Toika, and weaving the big rug,  I made sure today was SLOWER.
I did some accounting stuff, and finally got the Hip to Be Square Looper Loom listed on Amazon.
You can go here to check it out.  I had to have a UPC barcode.   Go figure.
Well, I got it done, and now I will find out if it was worth it, or not.
I am debating doing some shows this year, not to drag around all my rugs, uh.....NOT.   But maybe shows would be a good way to get the HTBS out there.
What do you think?
I just got an email about a show the first of March, in York, Pa.
Is there a beach???
Well, there IS an indoor pool.

Anyway, the big excitement today was catnip.  I'm serious.
After my computer work, I was doing a little cleaning in the living room, and I found a catnip toy.
Not all my cats are interested, but Miss Puss is a sucker for catnip, which is funny, because she is Miss Uptight.
So she climbed up on the warp that 'L' was working on, and threw herself down.
Then, she continued to perform on the floor.
 She was shameless.

Miss Puss, you are such a party girl.
Or maybe we should just call you Miss Photoshoot.

It was another frigid day, so lunch was some potato leek soup.
It was really easy to make, and delicious.
No, I didn't make this today, I brought it from home.

The recipe is here at Pinch My Salt.  I will definitely make this one again.
What is it about a steaming bowl of homemade soup in the middle of winter?
Yum.  It was SO good.

Then this afternoon, I wove a couple of blue jean rugs.
Then, for no particular reason, I made something different.  It might catch on, who knows.
Let me introduce.....................The Blue Jean Caterpillar Rug!!!!!
Now, I am firmly lodged on the couch with my bud, Eddie.   And I have no plan to venture further tonight.  It was a good day.
And another day closer to spring.


  1. I think your HTBS looms would be great at a show. I think you'd do very well. Very cool to see you on Amazon.

    That cat is adorable... gotta love a stoned kitty. Did she have the munchies for that wonderful-looking soup afterward? ;)

  2. I like that blue jean caterpiller rug. It's so colorful!

  3. I kinda like that caterpillar rug! And I did your first review on Amazon. I hope you sell some there! My sister lives in York. Hmmmm.

  4. I've never had leek soup. It really looks good though. Do all those leeks make you gassy? It would me! HA HA HA


  5. How fun to see Miss Puss letting loose a bit -- she always seems so aloof in photos! I love how catnip can break down the inhibitions of even the most resistant cat (we have one of those, too). :)

  6. I can't think of a better way to spend this really cold day!

    And I really liked the rug, so cheery in any room, I just want to walk on it and pick up the sweetness it radiates.

  7. I really like the new rug. It is my favorite caterpillar so far.

  8. I LOVE the combo blue jean rug, it looks awesome!!!.. and the soup too. Going to the store to get the leeks - thanks for sharing. It's COLD here, and I know there too..stay warm.

  9. That's a great rug - I love the contrast. I'm a big fan of the blue jean rugs - I wish I hadn't gotten rid of all my old jeans before I became a weaver. Now I'll have to stalk the thrift stores and buy them back.

    Congratulations on getting your great HTBS loom on Amazon - I wish you as many sales as you want. :)


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