
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Fiesta and no fire.

Now to me, fiesta means color, and lots of it. Which is why I called the place mats made from sock loopers, Fiesta Place Mats. They have been popular. The problem is that no two sets of place mats are the same, and more specifically, no two place mats are the same.
The ones on my web site are mostly reds and pinks. They are 'repepresentative' of fiesta placemats. They don't all come that way.
From december

They come in all colors. The issue is in how to present that to the customer who lands on my web site, and says, OH.....I like THOSE.
When THOSE are as mismatched as the Solmate socks. Maybe THAT is what I need to say.

From december

There is NO matching them.
From december

Why would you want to?

From december

Today I was weaving some of them, when I smelled something burning. Now there is a four letter word that people who own big old houses can't even say. I started searching for the source. I walked around the downstairs, and couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from, so I went upstairs. It seemed to be stronger in the blue bedroom, but that made no sense. I was about to call 911, because there was no doubt that something was burning, and if I couldn't find it, it must be in the wall, like electrical. The thought made me shiver.
I decided that before I made the phone call, I should check outside, to see if I could see smoke anywhere around the house. As I started to open the door, my eyes started to sting like crazy. As I was rubbing them, trying to figure out what was happening, I turned back towards the kitchen, and I knew.
Earlier, when I ran the water in the kitchen sink, I noticed that the water pressure was not very good. I assumed that it was due to sediment in the screen on the end of the faucet. I unscrewed the end of the faucet, and cleaned the screen. But there was a cruddy buildup of minerals from the hard water. So I put some water and some vinegar in a pot, and put the nozzle in it, and put it on the stove to boil.
And boil it did. It boiled all the water out of the pan, and fused the nozzle to the bottom of the pan, and eventually melted the gasket.
Yes, I took a picture of it, but I will spare you. It looks as bad as it smelled.
And I was grateful, that it was nothing more serious.
Now I don't have to worry about sediment messing up the screen.
There is no screen. :)
So instead I will show you a picture of late afternoon sun and the garden in snow.

From december

Now there, wasn't that better?
I am quite pleased with myself right now. My accountant lady came to help me reconcile Quick Books, and I learned something new and wonderful, something that makes me think I am REALLY getting this. That makes me feel quite accomplished, when in the beginning, I was totally overwhelmed with it. It's quite unbelievable, honestly. I wasn't sure I had it in me. Good to know that you can still learn new things, no matter how old you are.

I know everyone is busy getting ready for Christmas. Sometimes I think there is just too much preparation for a holiday that should be rather simple, don't you think?
I'd rather watch "Amazing Waterfront Homes" on TLC, thank you very much.
And that's just what I am going to do.


  1. That burning smell had ME scared. I'm glad it wasn't anything too serious. Love those placemats.. and the light in the photo is just wonderful.

  2. Hilary,
    Have a wonderful holiday doing just what you please with you and yours, and yes, keeping it simple is best. Love the place mats and the randomness of them.
    Glad the "fire" wasn't anything more than a forgotten pot.

  3. I used to do the same thing with the babies' pacifiers. :)

    Those placemats are terrific. I love the amazing volume of work that you produce on a daily basis.

    Merry Christmas, Hilary.

  4. I am keeping it simple today. Made some cookies and left the house messy. Now I am watching an old movie with my son. And trying not to notice the dust on the end table here.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS to someone who is living her dream.

  5. Ick to the burning! Glad it didn't turn into something worse.

    The placemats are "one of a kind, each one individual in it's outcome" to me. They are lovely!



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