
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Weaving Boot Camp

A couple of years ago, I started hosting weaving weekends at the studio. Since then, I have had from 0ne t0 five guests at a time. What began tentatively, feels very natural now.
The house loves it.
The cats love it.
And so do I.
We start on Friday afternoon. First the guests settle into their rooms.
And I am making dinner for all.
Let's start with a little Ritz, shall we?
And I know no better way to pound up some Ritz, than with my handy dandy little rolling pin.
Smash them first to smithereens, being careful not to get too rowdy, and break the paper package.
Makes an awful mess.
From weaving weekends

Then you pour the smashed crackers into 1 stick of butter that you have brilliantly melted in the microwave.
From weaving weekends

You spread this mixture over haddock in a baking pan, that you have already spritzed with lemon juice, real preferably.
From weaving weekends

Bake for 20 minutes at 400 degrees.
Voila, Baked Stuffed Haddock. Easy peasy, delish too.
You can mix a can of good crabmeat in with the cracker mixture. I like it, some don't.
So there. Throw in some baked potatoes, some sour cream, some butternut squash, and some broccoli, and you have dinner.
Oh, and a little apple crisp with walnuts.

Eat hardy. Cause after dinner, weaving boot camp commences.

My husband started calling it that, and I must admit, if reluctantly, that he is right, again.
There's a whole lotta warping going on.
From weaving weekends

And weaving.
From weaving weekends

Late into the night.
From weaving weekends

At night they fall into bed, exhausted. All part of my devious plan.
From weaving weekends
French toast for breakfast. I feed them well. I don't want weakness to become an excuse.

But why are they all smiling?????
From weaving weekends

They were allowed a short break to walk the labyrinth.
From weaving weekends

From weaving weekends

Well, they ARE working hard.
From weaving weekends

And getting a lot of weaving done.
But I must not be working them hard enough, because they just look TOO DARN HAPPY.
From weaving weekends

Guess I will have to work on that.
And another thing.
There are slackers. Nappers. Ne'er do wells.
From weaving weekends

You know who you are.
From weaving weekends

It was a GREAT weekend.
So good that they want to come back for a 'reunion'. This time with spagetti.
And less slacking.


  1. Thank you so much Hillary for a fabulous weekend, I wasnt even home yet when Linda texted me that we are on your blog, It was so fun meeting you and our fellow boot campee, Sarah. I truly was in my element, now I will manifest a rug loom, the space, and the time! Can't wait for the reunion!
    With much gratitude, Vicki Rapanault from CT

  2. I want to join in on one of your fabulous workouts! This is a boot camp I think I would enjoy! I will have to see if there are any weaving type workshops closer though, I don't think I could manage a trip to your beautiful part of the country. Sigh!

  3. I want to come. It looks like so much fun!

  4. Passing on weaving. It should be a family tradition but there are so many broken links here. It's lovely that you get to pass it on.

  5. Looks like an awesome time; thanks for the recipe, too!

  6. You are SOOOOO funny!

  7. I have never laid hands on anything that needed to be woven, (except for those potholders we all made in camp 30 years ago).... but I would LOVE to be a part of this kind of bootcamp, what fun!...

    I love that each rug is individual, no two are a like and you can do as you please as you go.

  8. Love the little eyes picking over his paws...they are so sweet.

  9. What fun!!!!! Not to mention beautiful rug!!!
    Can't wait to try the recipe.

  10. That looks wonderful and you write so well!!!
    It's like a picture book I just want to be in!!
    liz, Ireland

  11. Wow. This does look fun. It's a good feeling, being industrious, you know.


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