
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Like I said.

I needed a break today.
Did a little fabric cutting, and headed north, over the South Bay bridge.
From mt defiance

I told my helper we would go to Mt Defiance, in my home town of Ticonderoga. I went on and on about the fantastic view, in fact, I said that it was hands down the best view in the area, with the LEAST amount of effort.
Then we got there, and the gate across the bottom of the road was CLOSED.
Well, we coulda got back in the car, but we didn't. We had just driven for an hour, and we were on a mission.
So we walked up.
We crested the first hill.
From mt defiance

It kept going straight was really steep.
Looking back.....
From mt defiance

Finally, a half hour later, we were almost there.
From mt defiance

Whew. What a walk.

From mt defiance

But the view at the top was worth every bit of pain.
Without further ado....views of Fort Ticonderoga, Lake Champlain, Vermont.
From mt defiance

From mt defiance

From mt defiance

From mt defiance

From mt defiance

From mt defiance

From mt defiance

From mt defiance

From mt defiance

From mt defiance

From mt defiance

From mt defiance

From mt defiance

From mt defiance

From mt defiance

And finally, the way down.
From mt defiance

Ah, my Hyundai.
From mt defiance

Hope you enjoyed my day off.......I did.


  1. That was WONDERFUL! You made me a little homesick for the lake that my dad has a cabin at.
    B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. pictures.
    Thank you.

  2. It looks like a good thing you took the trip today; the colors are fading fast....just a beautiful view from that MT top!

  3. Oh, I loved this! Good on you (and your helper). The views truly are spectacular.

  4. What a beautiful view...well worth the hike!

  5. Beautiful.. thanks for taking me on the easy path for this hike. ;)

  6. ooooh what a wonderful view!! Thanks for the hike, the beauty and your tenacity!

  7. I love the cannons on the Mountain!

  8. My husband and I went there last month. But, the gate was open! That was quite a hike. It most certainly is beautiful. Great hike and beautiful pictures.

  9. Thank you for sharing I needed that great visual break, love the mountains and colors are really inspiring.

  10. It has been sometime since I have commented on your page but I just love reading about all that goes on! I hope you will stop by my blog and become a follower!

  11. Thanks - so pretty! I'm glad you shared it with us.


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