
Monday, August 2, 2010

They're HERE!!!!

Oh, yeah, this is what I'm talking about.

From studio

I picked up the first two dozen today.
I am trying to decide.........stain them? or leave them au naturel?
From studio

I would love to hear your feedback.
I have the list of all of you who want one of these large potholder looms, and as soon as I get the packaging figured out, you will all get one.
They are $29.95 each, and that includes enough loopers to make EIGHT of the large potholders,
which look like this.
From studio

I think for shipping the medium flat rate box will work, and that is $10.70.
I am very excited to get these out there, but there is work to be done. I ordered the gusseted plastic bags, and now I have to get a header card made, that gets stapled over the top.
From studio

Might take a couple of weeks to get it all done, but I'm on it.
You knew that, right?
I stayed 'too long at the fair', so they say, and now I am beat. But I can still dream.


  1. They look really cool, Hilary. I'd leave them au naturel, but that's just my opinion. Let me know how to order. I guess you'll put them on your site?

  2. They look wonderful. Why not stain a few and see how they look, and decide from there?

  3. I, too, would leave them natural. If I were to stain them, I'd do it before the nails were in. I'd be worried about getting stain on the base of the nails.

  4. The three on the right are my faves... great colors!.

    I like them without stain by the way.


  5. I'd leave them natural too....they look great. Where does one buy loopers for these looms?

  6. I remember as a child making these pot holders on a tiny loom.. IT was so fun to make them for my aunts, grandmas and my mom. I even made them for my teacher when I was in 3rd grade.. WOnder where that tiny loom is today..
    I would leave the wood natural.. Have a great day... and as always have a great time~! How's the visiting cat doing?

  7. They are new to me. But I`d like one how much would I have to pay for one and get it send to Germany.
    Regards Sylvia

  8. Exciting to have an idea come to reality! These look great just like this....let the new owners decide if they will stain theirs or not.

  9. Oops! How do I get on the list? I'd love to own one of these babies, and I'd like mine natural colored, please. Wow! Those are just what the doctor ordered for car trips and such. And the price is reasonable.

  10. They look great! I'd leave them just as is, then again I never stained my RH Loom either, or for that matter the bookcase, hmmm seem to be a trend with me. LOL.. I love to see your ideas come to fruition really excited for you!

  11. I like them au naturale. Beautiful! as are those bog potholders :-)

  12. I sent the link of this post to a friend whose 11-year-old granddaughter wants to learn to weave. This might be just the ticket!

  13. I'm with all of the above do you order?


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