
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My butt is draggin'.

There is just no other way to say it. Alice and I worked like dogs yesterday, and today, and I am sooooooooo tired.
We had to dig up some fierce burdocks just to get in the door to the loft. Then we moved a rock that stopped the door from opening wide.
The stairs up there are steep!
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The site at the top of the stairs was enough to make anyone sane turn right around and go back down.
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But Alice and I are 'just' crazy enough to tackle this mess.
We found all sorts of goodies.
An antique corn planter.
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Some old sleds.
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An old buck saw.
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This little item, that I knew was used to slide down a hill, but Alice said it is called a "skip jack".
News to me. Looks like a dangerous way to get to the bottom of a snowy hill.
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Some old andirons, and some loom parts: a cloth beam, a sectional beam, and the castle. These, btw, are free to anyone who wants to pay shipping......they came off a Cambridge 45" loom by the Reed Co.
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We found this, but neither of us knows what it is. Anybody???
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My barn was a carriage house, which is why it is so close to the house. They stored hay up here in the loft, thus the holes all the way around the barn, to ventilate it so the hay wouldn't catch fire.
I just noticed the writing on the wall in this photo. Who knew??? I never saw that while we were up there. I will have to investigate it tomorrow.
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This was my favorite find of the old piece of leather with cut outs, that a bird used to make a nest out of. Pretty stylin' bird, wouldn't you say??
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This bird didn't have as much pizzazz, and went for a traditional nest.
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We found this removable door, probably used for hay, and we took it off so we could throw stuff down onto the driveway, and not have to negotiate those stairs for every single item.
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Finally, sweaty and dirty, we got it done.
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Ta da. Complete with hammock, for an afternoon nap.
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  1. Wow, do you have a day spa nearby to languish for recovery time?! The newly opened space looks promising! Great job.

  2. WOW is right! Very cool carriage house! I have no idea what that thing is, for some reason a sickle or sythe comes to mind, but I think I'm wrong there. Let us know if you find out.

  3. WOW! You have been busy ladies. I love to find old stuff and wonder about what it was like in that time. It really looks great.

  4. Hi Hilary
    We call that single sled thing a 'go devil' in our parts.
    My first thought was some sort of grain cutter for the mystery piece.
    I'm new to blogging. Stop by atMuldoon anytime.

  5. I am in awe at the amount of energy you put out in a single day. It gives me heart palpitations just to walk one flight of stairs... What a wimp I am!


  6. WOW is right...very impressive work indeed!! I hope you treated yourselves to some sort of nice *reward* for all your effort :>]]

  7. I'm exhausted just looking at your photos. One reason I moved into a condo- the work at the old house was never ending!

  8. Amazing! What a transformation! You two deserve to be pampered for a day.

  9. Where do you get the energy! What an adventure old houses are and a lot of work, but the character and life in an old house is unique.

    I hope you keep those sleds and use them to decorate your new deck this winter. They are fun!

  10. Yeah. Another moment from your boring life, right? I think you started something. I spent the afternoon in the docs office because my stronger than steel hubbie didn't get that he was sick. We're good, but I thought of you, sitting and knitting.

  11. Holy smokes you got a lot done and found such interesting pieces. Great stuff!


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