
Sunday, March 28, 2010

And the winner is............

I loved all the incredibly nice things you said about my new (and littlest) rug.

I read them all a few times, and finally had to agree with the "other" Hilary (she is the younger one) over at the Smitten Image.
From Crazy as a Loom

And the winner is, Karen (mom to Andrea over at Rural Revival) with this description.

Hilary’s Technicolor Dream Rug:
This new “Jacob’s Ladder” design by Hilary is made from colourful and soft sock fabric – nice and cushy on the toes after your shower or the perfect stress-relief mat in front of the kitchen sink. Washable and absorbent, Dream Rugs are about 19 to 20 inches wide by 30 to 34 inches long. Of course, if you have a cat, you will have to share it – what better place for a catnap than on a Dream Rug?

I will be putting this description on my website. I love it! Thanks Karen.......I just need your address so I can send you your very own Dream Rug.

I have to tell you all, that even though I was FEELING violent about my resident wood chucks, I'm really a softie.
I caught a skunk in the Hav-a-Heart trap first day, and paid the pest control man (thanks for that tip, Lois) to come and let him out. He immediately ran back under my barn, where he apparently lives.
The wood chucks seem to have given up with the wire under the new porch......there's hope yet.

I have been weaving placemats on my 'new to me' Hammett loom. The first day I wove all day on it, my knees were aching. So I took the plunge, and removed the treadles, and switched them to the back of the loom. Heart be worked, and treadles like a dream.
From Crazy as a Loom

Here are some of the placemats.
From Crazy as a Loom

These are a set of 5......I know that they are different.....but I just like them together.....they make me think of finding things at garage sales that end up working well together.

From Crazy as a Loom

I am aiming for a cupboard full of placemats.........
From Crazy as a Loom

Some flowery placemats.
From Crazy as a Loom

I took Sydney to the vet the other day, after realizing that she has gone from 5.5lbs last September to 17 lbs in March. He examined her and came up with a diagnosis:
She's a pig.
So it is diet time at Crazy as a Loom. No more food out 24/7. All four cats eating on a new schedule.
This oughta be interesting.

From Crazy as a Loom

Excuse me??? Pig?? Who said that?


  1. Ha! Well that was a surprise to see my mom's aka stalker's name as the winner! She does have a way with words. You should ask her about how she won tickets to see the Beatles!

    Dear of luck little girl! ; )


  2. I have missed the giveaway. Drat! I've hardly gotten around to any of my favorite blogs this weekend. See, this is what happens!

    This post is full of beautiful photos, Hilary. Love 'em. Especially the kitty pic.

  3. Congrats to Karen! Oh I'm so glad you listened to your namesake. We're practically interchangeable, you know. At least according to the talented, songwriting Cabo. ;)

    I love how your place mats turn out.. those soft green ones are lovely.

    And Sydney.. your life is about to change. I have to feed my cats separately so that one doesn't nudge the other out of the way and eat his too. He lives to eat and purr but is the laziest cat ever. He occasionally lies down to eat. Sydney you'll be slender again in no time.

  4. Too many bad carbohydrates, Sydney?

  5. Happy Monday..
    For starters I would really rather have a woodchuck than a SKUNK! When I was little I wanted to have a pet skunk, our neighbor had one that was "destinked"
    Diets are on the menu at Crazy as A are going to have a noisy home...meowing and whining to eat.

  6. I love that vet's diagnosis!

  7. hi Hilary; Just a "public" thank you for choosing my description for your new rug - I'm thrilled! (And thanks to Hilary Jr. as well!)
    One of the photos of your studio is often my computer wallpaper at makes me dream about one day having the time to take up weaving. My daughter dreamed about her and I coming to your studio for lessons - and this was just a few days before she knew that I had entered your contest...
    Thanks again Hilary, it will be treasured.
    Karen (Ontario Rural Revival's mom)

  8. Congrats to the winner! I loved her description. Some people are so talented...

    The place mats that don't quite match but blend are my favorites!

    Your chubby little pig/cat looks like me after a long winter blogging. It's snowing right now. ghaaa

  9. Oh, I really do like your placemats so much better. Mine seems "tortured" in comparison. Is that the same as the rugs - 8 epi and 2" weft folded in half? I might be tempted to try again!

  10. Love the placemats! such nice colors. I'm new to weaving, can I ask what kind of fabric you use?


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