
Monday, February 1, 2010

Wild Weaving by one.

Working alone has its downside.

Weaving a 4 x 6 rug by myself is one of them.
It can be done, but it takes longer than it would if I had help.
From Crazy as a Loom

When I was 13, I wasn't happy about being so tall. Now, I don't mind at all. It makes this a lot easier.

I push the loom out, and instead of using the bench, I use this handy, dandy, rolling stool.

From Crazy as a Loom

I wish I had bought more than one of these, now I can't find them.

I got the rug done, which is good. I have to warp the big loom for an order later this week, so I had to weave this warp off.
The rug I made today is a wild one!!!
I totally did not plan this.
This is just too much fun.

From Crazy as a Loom

I went to Lowe's this morning........the scene of my previous story about my father......not Home Depot. While I was walking around, I decided I needed to use the rest room, and of course, hurrying to get there brought back all kinds of memories of that day. If you missed this, read it here.
My father was eccentric, and that's putting it mildly. I am grateful to him for my work ethic, which has served me well, my energy level, which sometimes surprises even me, and my motivation to do it right.
But yes, I do worry. That at some point, I might be like him in his more outrageous years. But I guess it's a chance I have to take.

And in case you're wondering, I don't have a black trench coat.

It's a lovely shade of brown, actually.

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. I'm glad you've answered that question: brown trench coat, huh???? That rug really brightens up this winter day!

  2. Hoot hoot hoooooot

    Hilary, you always leave me laughing!

  3. I like this rug very much !!!

  4. I went back and reread that story and laughed as hard as I did the first time I read it. I like the rug, and I love the story!

  5. I love that rug. I have got to weave myself some rugs one of these days.

  6. You're an absolute hoot my dear. Need a navy blue trench coat too....??

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  7. Funny you.. I was wondering if it might be brown. ;)

  8. The story of you with your dad at Lowe's is one of my favorites.
    And I do believe you have a trench coat!

  9. I laughed just as much as I did the first time. The rug looks really happy and cheerful.

  10. I love the rug! I'm curious.. do you plan the colors of your warp or just randomly pick the next color to use?

  11. I used to worry that I'd end up like my dad...and I have in ways, but I'm happy, so what'cha gonna do? I love love love your rugs. You are making me crazy with them. My loom is STILL not warped. Bought all the warp, and I'm all ready to go. So many interests makes it hard to do one thing. I'm all lost in my dollhouse at the moment.


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