
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Shop til you drop?

I am not much of a shopper. I am not like many of my friends, and my daughters, comfortable looking at clothes on racks all day.
I like book stores, and hardware stores. I like Lowe's, we have already established that.
I love greenhouses and garden centers, I don't even mind grocery stores. I LOVE antique stores. I even like THRIFT shops.
But I have never much cared for clothes stores, or spending a whole lot of time in them.
Unfortunately, I have a wedding to go to, and I needed shoes. My only good dress shoes make me cry, and I am not kidding.
While I was shopping for shoes, I decided that I could probably use a dress, as well.
So after getting my hair done, and getting the caterpillars waxed off my forehead, I checked out the dresses.
Now 'CLEARANCE' does have a definite appeal for me. And that's where I headed. I took a bunch of things into the dressing room, dropped my jeans......I wasn't about to unlace my hiking boots to take my jeans yes, be horrified if you will, but I tried these dresses on with my boots on, and my jeans around my ankles. Tis true. I TOLD you I wasn't really into this.
And three of the items were satisfactory, two dresses, and one skirt with a matching jacket.
So because I couldn't decide, and because I hate shopping for clothes and the only thing I really want to do is GETOUTOFTHERE, I bought all three.
The good news is that they were 80% off the original price, so I got all three for $43.71.

Di, over at Snappy Finger aka The Blue Ridge Gal, talked about looking for sleds in Walmart, and ended up finding them in a hardware store.
That brought back a memory........years ago, when I lived in Maine, had actually bought a house that didn't have a bathroom. Nope, no bathroom. It did have a gas toilet. As soon as you did your duty, and shut the lid, the fire came on and burned your delivery right up.
Well, that did not do anything for me, so I had a septic system put in, and soon after, a bathroom.
I was at the hardware store, with the man who was going to do the job for me. He was picking out all the stuff we needed, and I was there to pay for it. The lady at the cash register rang it all up, and gave me the damage. I was all set to write the check, and realized I didn't know the name of the hardware store. I said to the cashier, "Is this True Value?"
She said, "Oh, yes, dear, it is."
So I wrote the check out to True Value Hardware.
As we were pulling out of the parking lot, here she comes, out the door, running after us.
We stopped, I rolled down my window, couldn't imagine what she wanted.
She said, "Oh, my. I thought you wanted to know if the cost of your goods was the true value. But this is Trustworthy Hardware, and this check just won't do."
OK, then.
Only in Maine.

Here's a picture of those M's and O's towels, all done. Thought you would like to see how they turned out. Each one has a different colored weft.

From Crazy as a Loom

Today and tomorrow are not going to be very productive. Too many other obligations. Places to go, and people to see. You know the drill.

I can't even get much computer work done.....
Do YOU mind???
From Crazy as a Loom

And sometimes, that's just OK. Just taking one day at a time, loving it all.
From Crazy as a Loom

You know what I mean?



  1. I could easily do your kind of shopping. :) And those two bellies are just waiting for a rub.

  2. Ok, that last picture is absolutely adorable. I see that and my mind say's "Whaaaaat? Me?".

    "caterpillars waxed off my forehead" LOL. Great. :)

  3. OMG.. .. laughing so hard at you my dear!

    I guess that gas powered toilet would have been good for getting unwanted hairs off your behind too... LMBO Probably not much more painful than waxing caterpillars off the forehead... OH Gosh... I crack me up almost as much as you crack me up...

    The Blue Ridge Gal
    (so did you write them a new check??)

  4. Hilary.. you make me laugh so hard i wake up my snoozing dogs and make Steveio call down from the loft: WHAT??? WHAT???

    Just LOVE your kind of shopping...

    We had a propane toilet at our summer cabin that didnt pass septic (too close to a river) when I was a kid. Get the brand name: DISTROILET no kidding!

  5. Hi Hilary, thanks for stopping by, I know exactly where your coming from about the clothes shopping ordeal!


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