
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Moving right along

I recently sent some blue jean rugs to Ohio. The lady who ordered them sent me 24 lbs of pastel jeans, and wanted rugs made out of them as well.
So yesterday I cut them into strips, and started sewing them together, and finished sewing today.
It was actually a good thing, to sew, and not to weave. My knees, you see, are screaming obscenities, even now.
Zumba, be gone??
We'll see.
I can take a day or two of it, but it is deep bone pain, not muscular, and it demands my attention. You know the kind I speak of. Pain that you can't ignore.

Anyway, the jeans are shades of pink, rose, sage green, light green, get the idea. And the spools of thread sitting on top of the balls of denim are going to be my warp threads.
As soon as I finish weaving off this warp, I will put the new warp on. Maybe tomorrow, if all the planets line up. All my other looms are tied up, literally.

DH and I went to Home Depot tonight, to look at bathroom stuff. Our downstairs bathroom needs was done about 35 years ago, and it is time for a change.
When we left with brochures and all kinds of information to mull over, we took a drive a few miles up the road.
We could have gone here............
But we didn't. We went here instead, right across the road.

Tonight was pistachio night. This is the piggy version.
This is the more delicate version, for the zumba girl herself.


  1. GAH!! I love pistachio anything... ANYTHING!!


  2. Nix on the ice cream-just doesn't talk to me but the rugs do! I like the plaid one that is on the loom now, too!

  3. I love the new rug content looks very springish. The plain screams cabin in the woods to me. But the best pic is of the ice cream yumm.

  4. You have a rooster! I grew up with a rooster in our town. The neighboring High school used to steal it all the time. Love the Rooster!

  5. Pistachio is my drop dead most favorite flavor and when we get to Bandon, Oregon to the Bandon Cheese Factory, that's exactly what I will order.

    The more I read about weavers on the East Coast, the more I wonder why family felt compelled to move West~


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