
Friday, July 17, 2009


This is the color of summer..........
I really have fun with this mosaic maker. And I am still loving my camera, a Nikon D40 that I bought this year. I would love a zoom lens, but it isn't in the budget right now.

Today was Tammy's last day at the studio. She has been my apprentice since last November. She has become quite a good rag rug weaver, and she has been an incredible help to me.
But she has a 'real' job, and she starts on Monday.
On one hand, I will really miss her.
On the other, I think I am ready to have the studio all to myself. It feels kind of selfish, but then again, I think this is a time in my life when I can, and should, be selfish on occasion.
I have never had any trouble spending time alone. I am quite happy to amuse myself sewing or weaving, or gardening, or just puttering around. I think that is a good quality to have, that ability to be comfortable in your own company. I think both of my parents were that way, and somehow they passed it on to me.

This was part of the work load this week........a Solmate sock runner, 10 and 1/2 ft long.
And a 4x6 rug in vibrant pinks and purples, with some other colors thrown in.

It was a pretty productive week. When the UPS man delivered 100 spools of warp to me today, he was greeted with 3 huge boxes as a swap. And I was smiling, because I didn't have to haul them out to my car and off to the UPS distribution center.
I love it when a plan comes together.
Tomorrow I am going to weave some small rugs in tans and browns, and I am going to breathe deeply, and enjoy the solitude.
As Thoreau said, "I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. "


  1. That truly is a gift. Among your many talents, you're lucky to enjoy the present of your own presence. Lovely rugs.. and mosaic. Enjoy your YOU time. :)

  2. Only another appreciator of aloneness can get the joy of solitude. Beautiful rugs.

  3. I couldn't agree with you more. I need to have my alone time. I also like to putter and think. I'm happy alone. BTW we have the same camera! We are also coveting a lense that's not in the budget. :-)

  4. Great looking runner... bet that would feel nice under the tootsies on a cold winter night.

    The Blue Ridge Gal


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