
Monday, May 4, 2009

rhubarb pie

Sunday I checked the rhubarb patch behind the studio, and it was ready to pick.
If there is one thing I love, it is rhubarb pie!!
Not strawberry rhubarb, which is pretty much blasphemy in my house, but plain old rhubarb pie.
First, the pie dough.
Many years ago, a cousin of mine gave me this recipe, for Never Fail Pie Crust. I didn't think that it would work for me, but it did, and since then I have made more pies than I would like to count.

My 84 year old mom likes to help out in the kitchen, so she got to cut up the rhubarb. She loves dessert, so she is especially willing.
One thing I can't deny, I make an incredible mess when I bake. Just the way it is.
Here is one of two.

Sunday. Dinner with the family. Rhubarb pie.
It's a wonderful life, for sure.


  1. I made the first Rhubarb Pie of the Season on Sunday at work. Just plain Rhubarb pie, nothing more, nothing less. Yumm!

  2. I'm still waiting for someone to convince me that rhubarb pies are good. Your photos just about have. It's lovely to see your mother working in your kitchen. Four generations.. you're blessed. :)

  3. Shall I send you a piece of rhubarb pie????

  4. I wish I knew how to make rhubarb pie! It's the crust that always gives me trouble. I have tons and tons of rhubarb, so I'm making tons and tons of rhubarb bread.

  5. Oh yummy! I haven't had rhubarb pie in years. In fact I don't think I've seen rhubarb out here on the left coast. I'll have to look. That is oe beautiful looking pie though.

  6. We are kindred spirits when it comes to rhubarb pie. NO strawberries for anyone at our house either. Looks like we make them pretty much the same way right down to the home made crust. I am the only one in at our house that likes it raw with a sprinkling of salt.

  7. Oh my gosh that pie looks good... but have to admit I am a blasphemer and do enjoy strawberries in mine... :-)

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  8. UMMMMM this is making my mouth water! I just stewed up some rubarb my good neighbor gave me yesterday. I served it over some of my homemade vanilla ice cream....


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