
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Man Translator

Man Translator.......? Hmm.
Linda over at mentioned in a comment to one of my posts, that she needed a "man translator", and today, oh my, I know what she means.


  1. I love foxglove and only get to see it when we drive through Oregon to visit my sister-in-law. It's tempting to turn it into a dye plant - I mean, look at that color. Then I have to wonder if I really want liquid digitalis in my garage.

  2. Oh dear. Sounds like you know how to handle his cranky moods without letting them get to you too much. But how frustrating!

    Hope he finally got over the grumpies.

  3. I do like the idea of a man-translator.. particularly if it had a pause button.

    Gorgeous shot!

  4. The course of true love never did run smooth...


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