
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Welcome to Kingsbury

Today I took the back road to the studio. I wanted to take a picture of this for you. It is a very interesting thing, only about a mile behind my house. Supposedly, the Underground Railroad was active in this area, and one of the stories that came with the house, was that it was used to hide runaway slaves.

(click on any of these photos to make them bigger)
There is a room in the cellar, that looks almost like it has been soundproofed, with thicker wood walls and ceiling, but that is totally conjecture on my part. The house is in a perfect spot though, just 2 miles from the Champlain Canal, and the railroad.
Here is the hamlet of Kingsbury. Even though Rte 4 is a busy highway, it is a pretty quiet little place. This old barn has sat unused for quite some time. It has so much potential.
(No, honey, I don't have any "ideas" or "designs" on this piece of real estate.)
The big intersection. This used to be called "Kingsbury Street". George Washington came through here on his way to Fort Ticonderoga. He allegedly stayed in my house, and that is why the front bedroom was called the "President's room". My husband said, "yeah, but the president of what?" And then, "If George Washington had slept everywhere he is said to have slept he would have had to have lived to be 200 years old."

This Baptist church was built the same year as my house. I imagine that the same people probably worked on both.
The Kingsbury General store is of the same vintage. It is a great old place, and Bob and Carm make the BEST subs anywhere.

This is the parish house, and there are occasional community events here.

On my way back to the studio, I walked through the cemetery. There are some people buried here that lived in the house.
And here is my lovely old house, much the way it waas when it was built 220 years ago.
Now when I got back to the house, I was busy taking pictures, and I headed out behind the barn for a walk around the labyrinth, before I went home. With my camera around my neck, I focused on something, backed up, and tripped over a cluster of small stumps. For a second, as I lingered between being upright, and falling, I thought I was going to be able to catch myself. But that was not to be. I went down in a pile. I stayed still for a minute, evaluating the damage, and when I looked up, this is what I saw. So I decided to take a photo of it.......the top of the barn.

I picked myself up, brushed myself off, and decided to walk around the labyrinth anyway, pain or no pain. By this time, I needed the calming effects of it.
One thing I know, I am getting too old to fall that hard. Ouch.


  1. How lucky you are to work in a place that is so full of history! No wonder your weaving is so soulful.

  2. What an interresting place you live in, great pictures!

  3. What an interesting and beautiful place! But i hope this morning you are feeling fine after that fall. I*sn't it amazing that while you are falling, part of it seems to go in slow motion? I like to think the Angels are reaching out to catch us and cushion or fall, as best they can! Still...ouch!

  4. I am OK, a bit sore, but still moving....that's a good thing. Someone was watching over me.

  5. great place to live - how very rich in history

  6. Thanks for the pictures of where you live! It is beautiful - and very New England-y - even though you're a tad west of New England, right?

    That rock chair is interesting. We had a similar one I wonder.....

    Glad the fall didn't do lasting damage.


  7. Charming!....not the fall, of course. The town is beautiful! Montgomery is also said to have many of the houses and business that were a part of the underground railroad. :)

  8. Such wonderful pictures and history!


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