
Sunday, April 21, 2024


Photos are random, from the last month or so, as I am not doing a lot right now.

I had my hip replaced last Thursday, the 11th, after dealing with the pain for several months.

The last 3 months were horrific, and I could barely walk, and every step was torture, so you

 can imagine that I was anxious to get it done.
The surgery went off well, and my whole experience at Saratoga Hospital was a good one.

My middle daughter picked me up, and I was home by 5:30pm.   She stayed with me until 

Sunday morning, which was an incredible gift.

There's a dog in there.   Willie has a penchant for sleeping while being completely covered up.

That's his chair, which is why it is ratty, and I don't bother to have it recovered.

Nobody sits in it but him.

Before my surgery, I was intent on having the two Louet Davids in the studio warped, and ready to weave.
On the smaller one, I put on this "sherbet" warp, I had a hankering for pastels.

It takes both feet to treadle, so I knew it would come later, but it would be ready.

On the bigger David, I have enough warp for about 20 of these towels, and 
I purposely planned a simpler pattern that requires me only to use my LEFT (good) leg.
I will be able to weave that in 15-20 minute increments to start.

Getting back to normal as soon as possible is good medicine in my opinion.

I am going to PT, and relying on friends for rides.  I won't be able to drive for a while, since it is my right hip that was replaced.
I am walking at home as much as I can, and doing my exercises, and I am intent on doing everything right.

Outside my window, this guy keeps tabs.

Being housebound for the most part, I am grateful for the things I love in my house, one of which is this Oxalis, which I have had for over 20 years.  It was my mother in law's before it was mine.
Every January, I cut it back level wit the top of the pot, and I put it in my attic loft, where it is dark and cool.   I mark my calendar, and take it out March 1st.  I put it back in its sunny window, and water it, and here it is just 6 weeks later.  

Proof that we all need a good rest sometimes.

On Sunday, after my middle daughter went home, my youngest daughter came 
with my three youngest grands.
They were excited that I had three new looms that I bought for 
weaving workshops.  
Of course, the two oldest each claimed one for their personal loom, and the weaving began.

There are no words to explain how happy this makes me.

I love how intent they are.

They took their finished samples home to show Dad, because they were very proud of them.
As was I.

On another note, my oldest daughter is destined to have a house full of dogs.
She has three already, but decided that she had to foster this mini Australian shepherd
to keep her out of the shelter.
She is two years old, and lost a front leg.  My grand daughter and bestie have bonded
with her on sight.

I don't think this dog is going anywhere.........guess that's what you call a "failed foster"??????

But it's totally understandable.   
I say "welcome home, pup, you have just won the lottery."

So I'll be here recovering, healing, regrouping for a while.  I am grateful for the doctor and technology that gives me a chance to walk normally again.   
Getting older is often just doing whatever it takes to stay on your feet, and be happy.

On days when I get a tad discouraged about how long it takes, and I get impatient, I remember that I only have to do today, and eventually the todays will stack up and I will get to where I want to be.
I am so thankful for my daughters, and ALL my friends, for their help, their support, their encouragement.  I could NOT do this without them.  It's not fun to feel helpless, or ineffective, or dependent, but if you have to, there is nothing as reassuring as people who care.   And I am blessed to have them in my life.