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I'm still in recovery mode, even though I am improving daily, I know that I have a LONG way to go.
My good friend, Sue, has gotten me out of the house a couple of times, which I am so grateful for. We made a trip to the Argyle Cheese Farmer, right here in Hudson Falls, and this ginger pear smoothie is a keeper. I will definitely be going back for more.
Next is to get rid of the fence all around the back yard. My goal is to make it feasible to mow it all with the riding lawn mower. Simple. Clean. Easy.
I realized that one perk of not raising chickens, is that if Ms. Fox comes
around my back yard, I won't be worried and freaking out that she is here.
I did attempt to weave on the AVL, and lasted about 30 minutes, before my leg started
talking to me.
This back yard is what I see from my screen porch, and at least to look out and see it all mowed makes me feel good. I have to give up the rest of it.
I can still hear my little fountain from the porch, and it's amazing how much joy it brings, when it was so cheap and easy to set up.
The simple things, yes???
I still have a LOT of pain, on a daily basis. I am taking Ibuprofen now, and
thought that when I could do that, it would get better.
But not so much. So yeah, still riding the dragon.
Sleep is still impossible, and I am still napping whenever I can.
I try to keep myself amused with books and crosswords and streaming shows on
my laptop. I exercise my knee every day, do PT twice a week, walk around the house, and around the yard, and otherwise,
it seems like I am just counting days and biding time until I am feeling somewhat
human and not thinking all the time about the pain.
I know this will pass, and every day is one more step towards that goal.
What I want most right now, besides having the pain dial down a bit, is to be able to
drive long enough to see these sweet humans.
Because in the end, that's really all that matters.