
Monday, June 28, 2021


After griping and bellyaching about my knee for  the last 8 months, it is finally done.

My knee replacement took place last Friday. I stayed in the hospital once night, and came home the next day.
For any of you who have had this surgery, you know that the pain is no joke........
I am still relieved to have it in the rearview mirror..........and every day it gets a bit better.

I have commandeered my husband's recliner, it is where I am most comfortable.   I only had to promise not to ever say that it's ugly, again.  Apparently, I mention it often.

DH has settled in on the couch with Willie for his evening TV, and I have mastered getting in and out of this recliner on my own.
Being that it has been very hot and humid, I am also very appreciative of our new central AC unit.  Now I'm wondering why we waited so long.

Friends and family have been wonderful, coming over to help me, and every day I can do just a little more on my own.

Will blog more later, but for now, thanks for all the encouragement, and support.

It's a done deal!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2021


One thing I have noticed about getting older, is that it is very easy to let fear and uncertainty weasle it's way into your daily thinking.

Thoughts of "I can't", "I'm afraid to", "it's too hard", "how can I avoid this" and then on to........"I hate this", "it's not fair", "why me?"

None of this is any help.

My oldest daughter repeated my words to me the other day.  She said, "you just have to power through".   Ha!!!!!   I can hear myself saying that to her, and her sisters, on more than one occasion.

Then I got thinking about it, and realized that to NOT power through this old age bullshit, is to go back on all the things I taught my daughters, all the things I said to them, that shaped how successful they would be in navigating this world.

It would be cowardly, and I would be unworthy of their respect.

So POWER THROUGH is engaged.   I know that this will be hard.  I know that I would rather not do it.  But the evidence is all there, that it needs to be done, and I need to "cowboy up".

So onward and upward........less than 2 weeks until my knee replacement.   I will do it.  I will get through it, and I will manage the pain, and the inconvenience and all of it.   It will be good.  I will be happy for it in the long run, and it will make my life better.

Every day, I will repeat these things to myself, and tell fear and uncertainly to SCRAM.  You have no place here.

Some afternoons, we just sit on the porch, me and Naya and Willie, and sometimes Syd.  
If I gently rock the glider, this bonehead falls asleep.

I have been using an APP called's a guided daily meditation, and so far I really like it.  I started with 10 min a day, but eventually hope to get up to 30 min.  I will admit it, it's hard for me to sit still that long.

In light of how my summer is going to be spent, I have not planted wildly all around my property, like I usually do.  No big bed of squashes, no rows of basil.  Nothing so far.
I did  get a cherry tomato plant for a pot, and a couple of basils, and a dill and a parsley.
That was it.

I concede.  This will not be one of those years.  As soon as I am able, I will go to the Saturday morning farmer's market, and support local farmers.  That's my plan.

I have managed to keep the labyrinth weeded, without chemicals....just by being persistent, and doing it often.  It may be my walking exercise for awhile.

I have a list of things I have to get done.......I've shopped for animal food.....chickens, cats, dogs, birds........and  next week, I'll shop for food for me, since I don't eat meat, and DH does.

In other words, I have to get all my ducks in a row.  Damn ducks.

The computer that I run Weave Point on, that runs my AVL, stopped powering up.   One duck out of line causing aggravation.   So I took it to a local computer repair place, and they said it apparently was not a big deal.   $99.00, I picked it up, brought it home, and it STILL did not power up.  So on a whim, I dug out an old monitor I kept in the closet, just in case, and sure enough, it came right on.  So it was the monitor ALL ALONG.  Not sure what I paid $99 for.

  Lois and I put a warp on the AVL last week, just because it was all wound and waiting, and I didn't want it lying around all summer.  So now the warp, and the computer, are ready, when I get around to them...which will probably be a while.
It's hand dyed silk, so something to look forward to weaving.

I also had a ton of wound skeins of 8/2 cotton, so I decided to dye them all before my surgery, so I wouldn't be tempted to go and do it when I shouldn't.
Cause I know myself well.

And that's my story for now.......busy schedule until the day.......then I will be on the other
side of it, and that will make me glad.  Thinking about it, anticipating it, is awful.

I will be going to the library to stock up on books.  That's a must.

And there's PT, of course.
Lots of PT.

And I tell myself, the pity train has just pulled up to the station named "SUCK IT UP and MOVE ON."

And so I will.  
I'll keep you all posted.