
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Day trip

A few years ago, I sold a Hammett loom to my friend, who lives across the road.  That's Barb, on the left.
She later bought a Baby Wolf from me.  She is also an avid gardener, and when I say AVID, I am not joking.
So her time is limited.  She decided to sell the Hammett, to my other friend, Kathy, who lives about 70 miles north of us.  That was at least a year ago, maybe more.

A couple of weeks ago, she told me that she had been talking to Kathy, and they had come to the conclusion that Kathy would sell the loom back to Barb!!!

So Lois and I volunteered our time, and Lois' truck, to help Barb go get her wandering loom.

Here's the funny part.  These two are so cute.   Barb found the money that Kathy had paid her for the loom, still wrapped in an origami paper that Kathy had put it in.
So she gave her the package with the same money, right back.

We had a great day, Kathy treated us to lunch, and took us on a tour of her place.
She has this amazing old barn, full of possibilities.

 It was a little breezy and cool that day.

The barn is much larger than it looks from the road.

It must have been a huge dairy farm in its day.

An old cream separator.

 It just goes on and on.

And a lovely front porch to boot.

I was enamored of the window art in her door.

On closer inspection it was her slide collection, hooked together with little round wires.

It's amazing.

A great day with great friends.  Always a wonderful way to take a break.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Ta da. Cause I love to say it.

First hard frost in Kingsbury.
Have I told you lately that I love living here?
Well, I do.

If I have learned one thing from my head injury and all that has followed, I have learned that sometimes I have to give in.
Be still.

As you can see, Roy has no problem with that.   I am still taking cues from him.

 Although being still around here means that you will be mauled by one of the residents.

Keeping busy is the best thing for me, but since I can't weave like I used to, I find other things to do, things that are easier on my NECK.
Making some sweet potato lentil soup.

Across the road, the pumpkin field is bare, cleaned up and ready for next year.  See my house in the distance?

A while back, another weaver gifted me with quite a stash of fabric, mostly linens, in a variety of colors.

Not one to waste anything, I have been pondering what to do with them.

So I've started sewing them together, because I think I have a plan for them.
I hope it turns out as well as I'm imagining it will.
I will keep you posted.

For some time, I have been thinking about having a real "sewing room". It's all part of my new and improved weaving studio, which involves me weaving less and enjoying it more.
So L and I moved the Union Custom upstairs, moved another loom into the front room, and I started cleaning.
I had a plan to build a sewing table, but after some investigating decided not to spend the money, and decided to make use of things I already had.  Repurposing so to speak.

I am pretty pleased with it.  I just need a table to put my steam press on.

 It's funny how much more inspired to sew you can be, when the space is comfortable, clean, and there is room to move around.

I still have some tweaking to do, but so far, this is working for me.

I have gotten a lot better about wishing I'd done the past differently.   I have given up worrying about the future.  I find that I am settled where I am, retired from a long life of working, soaking up the joy of doing what I want when I want to, languishing a little in the quiet, no drama life I have here with DH, Roy, 3 felines, and 8 chickens.
Somehow I have come full circle, comfortable in my own skin.
Or, maybe I'm just still 12.

Monday, October 19, 2015

It's HUGE.

White pumpkins???

Kingsbury should maybe be called Pumpkinbury.  We are surrounded.

While L's brother had about 450 monster pumpkins growing in the field across the road, her brother in law was busy growing the monster of ALL monsters just up the road.

Can you believe it???
He only grows a couple pumpkins, and they get pampered.

 This pumpkin went to a big pumpkin competition out in the middle of the state somewhere.

Moving it was a venture.

I guess if you sit on your butt too long, this is what you look like.

But looking good from this side!

I think there was some "standing around discussing the move" going on here.

A move that doesn't damage the goods.

Here comes the tractor.


I meant to ask if he had named this beauty, all 906 lbs of her.

 And finally, one huge pumpkin, and one handsome young man, safe on the truck.

To all of you who wonder, I'm ok.   Just dealing with a slew of headaches lately, nothing I haven't done before.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Weighing it up

I have been very absent here, and I have no excuse.

Dealing with my head issues can sometimes be pretty draining.

Roy has been feeling poorly of late.  He sleeps a lot, and seems to be exhausted even when he's not sleeping.

Walking on the beach is usually one of his favorite things,
Not so much this time.

We meandered, and he spent a lot of time sniffing, and not so much time walking.

Wow, not only am I getting old, but I am also caring less about who sees my wrinkles, et cetera.

I'm happy to be here, and still on my feet.

That could have been  Roy's problem too, just getting old.
But a trip to the vet affirmed what I suspected, that he has early heart disease, and that's why he is so tired.
Still waiting for labs to come back, they may tell us more.

My handsome boy.

In the meantime, our house which was under contract, has issues found on inspection.
We are busy fixing them, but it's unnerving, wondering if you are going to be starting from square one again.

On the way home from addressing that problem, DH totally lost his brakes, and was lucky to get his truck to the garage without incident.

Oh, did I mention that my desktop just up and DIED????

 We had a short, but nice, break in Maine.

This was our view over dinner.

 And as we ate, it only got better.

No matter what befalls us, it is still an amazing life.   And I count my blessings, they far outway any inconveniences.