The weather persists. Today it's raining. Unfortunately, low pressure to my head is low pressure.
First thing on my to do list was a trip to the printer. They have all my printing stuff on their computer, so a phone call or an email is all they need.
What and how many. And then I pick my order up. They are Kingsbury Printing and they are awesome.
In my present state of blahdom, I set myself small goals every day. Otherwise, I feel that I would fade away.
One of them this week has been two towels a day on my point twill warp.
Which involves winding some spools.
If I've learned one thing at CAAL, it's that the right equipment is mandatory.
I discovered that instead of my previous treadling sequence, 87654321, 8765678765678, 12345678.....which requires some thought.......I can do a simple 123456787654321.
And this is what I get.
And I like it.
And it requires very little thought, in fact almost none at all, as my feet have quite the memory, it seems.
With any luck, the loom will be empty so that next week, we can play with the AVL wheel winder.
My next small job/goal was fabric prep. In the attic/loft, there are many containers of fabric. Most of them are ready to weave with, but there are a bunch few that are NOT ready for anything. They are small pieces, large pieces, that need cutting into strips, so they can be sewn.
Here's a bag.
And here's what it looks like all cut up, and ready to be sewn. Thank goodness for my electric Eastman Chickadee cutter.
Eventually they will hopefully look like this...........
And then I came home early.
Even I have my limits. I know, right?
And besides, I was anxious to get back to my knitting anyway.
I just finished this sweater last night. I've been working on it too long. It was time.
Do you love it?? OMG. I do.
And my BFF gave me a book and some yarn for my birthday. BFFs sure do buy the best presents.
Roy is counting stitches.
Roy. ROY.
The yarn is Sirdar Snuggly Crofter, Baby Fair Isle effect DK. It only LOOKS like you are brilliant.
Beautiful yarn.
But please, weather gods, send a high pressure system, with lots of sun.
Thank you.